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I woke up in the first room I was in. My hands had fallen asleep and my body sore from being tied so tight. My body was cold from the cement floor. I lifted my eyes to see the man sitting in front of me with a tray of tools, my sister nowhere in sight. 

"Where is my sister!" I demanded.

"She's fine, I came to you first."

"Why me?" I questioned.

"Because I love you."

"You don't know me."

"Or do I."

"No you don't know anything about me." I said, my anger bubbling up.

" You going jogging every day at 3;45pm, your favorite color is black.  Your room is purple with painting you painted on the walls. You had a dog who recently past. You cried for days in your room. I was there for you always."

"Thank you for coming back." He said sincerely.

All this was true. How long had he stalked me? Why does he think he loves me? My mind raced.

He spoke slow and calm. "I have been looking for you all this time." He motioned at the bodies on the tables. " Come and join me, we could spend eternity together me taking care of you."

I realized he didn't say my name. " Whats my name." I asked.

His face looked instantly sad. " Do you really think I would forget my first and only love?"

I thought I needed to keep this man happy. I need to make him think I am this woman. " Of course not, I just want to hear you say it."

"Casey, Casey Jones."

This man knew my every move but not my name. I suddenly knew. This man was a psycho, not that the bodies didn't give that away, he was looking for his first love. She must have been blond. All the girls he kidnapped, including me were blond, and the painting were not of a boy and his mother they were of a boy and his crush. His mental state of mind must have convinced him that the woman was his true love. The girls kidnapped before me said they were not Casey, that's what the screams had said. That was their mistake.

"I love you too." I said. I had no idea what to do. "There is only one way we can be together. He jumped forward in exitement.

"Anything" he said hastily.

"Let the girl that was with me go."

"I'm sorry but I can do that." He shook his head.

"Well I don't know if we can be together then, I'm sorry." I shook my head in fake sadness.

" Well I dont know."

"She wont ever tell. Besides I thought we would always be together bet I understand." I started a fake cry.

"I can let her go!" He screached "As long as we will always be together."

"I promise. Please cut me loose and we can go free her. As soon as I know she is safe and free, then I'll go with you." I hesitated then said, "I promise my love."

"Ok." He grapped the scalpel and in one quick flick of his wrist I was free. I stood slowly. He motioned for me to fallow. When we reached my sister she was covered in tears.

"Kandise!" She cried.

"Its not you he wants. We are here to let you go." She looked at me hasidently then at the man. " Trust me." I urged.

"Ok." He cut her free. She stood. "Which way out."

"This way.' the man said. We led the my sister out of the building. When we reached the door I hugged her. 

"Your not coming." she stated. Her face dropping.

"No, Ill be ok. Now go before he changes his mind." She started out of the door. The sun brighter than I had remembered. She shelded her eyes from the strong rays. She turned back one last time. She opened her mouth to speak, then the door slammed shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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