Ryan: Three

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She sat up as the door scraped open. The poor door was barely hanging on. 

Ras entered.

"Please do not judge him by his anger. He has been through so much. He holds a lot of anger in because of the...not so wrongs he has faced." She explained. 

Ryan huffed. "What the hell does that mean?"

"It is not my story to tell." Ras responded. 

Ryan went to lay back down, wishing they would just leave her and her pounding head alone. 

"if you are still hungry, he did not destroy all of the stew. You can join me in the kitchen." Ras did not wait for a response, she simply turned and walked down the hall. 

Ryan was weary at first. What if this was some sort of trap, she did not know if Ras was to be trusted. Still she was hungry, and maybe if she ate something, her head would stop pounding. 

She peered out into the hall. Mostly dark, except for a light at the end. She guessed these halls were not usually lit, unless in use.

The halls were bare as well. No pictures or decorations, save a small light alcove with basins of oil for fire and light. 

Ras had already disappeared down the hall, but Ryan could still follow her scent. 

She walked through the halls, all empty, all mostly dark. But she eventually found a kitchen, of sorts. Ras was ladling a beef stew into two bowls on the stone counter. A large formation, made entirely of stone, a single stone brick, five feet long. The only other thing in the room was a second stone brick, with a whole in the center and a grate, that Ras must have thrown over, to start a fire and be able to have some sort of stove. 

Looking through the large opening, she saw an over turned large, long dining table and chairs thrown about. 

Turning toward Ras and taking the bowl she was holding out. It smelled good. 

She stood against the stone rock and sipped at her soup. Her head did start to feel better. 

She had a million questions, but she had a feeling that Ras would not tell her much. She seemed to be loyal to the Lycan. But maybe she could work her way around that. She did say that she was prisoner here too. 

"Ras why are you here?" Ryan asked her. 

"I was given the task of watching over Veritas." She said. 

"The Lycan? Why does he need watching over?" Ryan asked. 

"Because he is trapped here and unable to do certain things, like shop for food and supplies. So that is my job." Ras said. 

"Yes, but why is he trapped here? Why are you?" Ryan said, growing impatient. 

Ras simply shook her head. 

"I know you have questions. But I cannot answer them. It is not my place. I am sorry." Ras said. 

She had finished and was making her way into the destroyed dining hall and started picking up chairs. 

Ryan followed her, looking around more. She was frustrated, still getting no answers. She sighed loudly and turned to make her way back to the small room. 

"Ryan." Ras sighed and walked up to her. "I know this is frustrating. I know you are scared and angry, and I wish I could give you some reassurance. The best advice I have is to work with us, work with him. He is not so bad, once you get to know him. And he did keep you alive. he can give you answers where I cannot." She finished. 

Beauty and the Beast: A Vampire's Love for a Lycan (ReWrite)Where stories live. Discover now