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Yoongs: play nice Jiminie
Yoongs: I really like her

Jimin: I'll give it a week

Tae😷: 20 bucks says two weeks

Jimin: oh you're so fucking on my dude

Kookie🍪: hey Minnie?
Kookie🍪: do you think you could come help me with something?

Jimin: yeah of course

Tae😷: hoe don't do it
Tae😷: he probably wants help with the boner he got cause u posted a new selfie

Kookie🍪: you looked really pretty though
Kookie🍪: what
Kookie🍪: I meant shitty
Kookie🍪: u looked bad ok

Jimin: how rude

Yoongs: stop being so gay im adding her

Hobi🔫: I bought airplane tickets we can jump out a plane btw guys

Jimin: god bless you Hobi

Yoongs has added May🎀 into the group chat 'aye lmao'

Yoongs: Jiminie this is my girlfriend

May🎀: It's nice to finally meet you ^.^

Jimin: can u buy bleach if you aren't of legal age cause I'm boutta get so lit my insides will feel like they were lit on fire if u know what I mean☠️

Tae😷: we have plane tickets

Jimin: go out in style amirite

May🎀: ???

Kookie🍪: hello~

Jimin: Kookie

Kookie🍪: sorry

Joon🎹: you're so fucking whipped my dude

Kookie🍪: shut up

Hobi🔫: if we go to Vegas first
Hobi🔫: we could either lose all our money so it'll make killing ourselves 10 times more worth it
Hobi🔫: or we could become filthy rich and wear fake fur coats and tell people what to do so when we go in debt people will treat us like shit again so killing ourselves will be 20 times more worth it

May🎀: what's going on?

Jimin: a suicide pact
Jimin: if ur a bitch and Yoongi doesn't listen to us we're killing ourselves because his stubbornness has been going on for too long now

Yoongs: Jimin shut up

May🎀: I'm not a bitch don't worry :)

Jimin: only bitches say that

Yoongs has kicked Jimin out of the group chat

Yoongs: I'm so sorry May

May🎀: it's okay Yoongi
May🎀: he's your best friend of course he's protective

Tae😷: ugh

Kookie🍪 has added Jimin into the group chat 'aye lmao'

Jimin: y'all I am so offended
Jimin: how fuckin dare you kick me out of the group chat

Yoongs: god damn it Jungkook

Kookie🍪: I didn't want him being lonely

Tae😷: oh my god you need to stop ask him out already ffs

Jimin: ask who out?
Jimin: who do you like Kookie?

Kookie🍪: nobody what

May🎀: wait are you gay Jungkook?

Jinnie👑: honey we're all fucking gay where have you been?

Tae😷: I'll clear it up for you
Tae😷: Hobi and I have been dating for a very long time
Tae😷: Jin and Namjoon are lowkey together but neither of them will admit it

Joon🎹: that's not true what

Tae😷: Jungkook likes Jimin but Jimin is oblivious as fuck and I think Jimin is fucking everyone tbh

Jimin: that sums it up pretty well
Jimin: but Kookie doesn't like me
Jimin: I actually think he hates me lmao

Kookie🍪: yes that's true I hate you do not like you one bit nopenope

Tae😷: death is coming
Tae😷: and it's in the form of bleach and Vegas

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