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Yoon: May?

Ugh🙄: hey what's up?

Yoon: did you know Jimin had a crush on me???

Ugh🙄: ya
Ugh🙄: why?

Yoon: ???
Yoon: why didn't you tell me?
Yoon: aren't you like
Yoon: jealous??
Yoon: isn't that was suppose to happen in the situation

Ugh🙄: idk what crazy bitches you've been with, but I'm not worried
Ugh🙄: you're straight right?

Yoon: yea

Ugh🙄: then why does it matter?
Ugh🙄: even if Jimin was a girl, he wouldn't make a move on you when you're with someone
Ugh🙄: as mean as he is to me, he's a good person, he wouldn't do something like "stealing you away"

Yoon: what if he did?

Ugh🙄: did he?

Yoon: no

Ugh🙄: then I don't care
Ugh🙄: Jimin may have feelings for you, but he's still your best friend
Ugh🙄: just put it aside Yoongi

Yoon: how am I suppose to put something like that aside?

Ugh🙄: does it bother you cause he's a guy?

Yoon: no!
Yoon: it's not that
Yoon: it's just
Yoon: he's my best friend I thought he would never think of me like that

Ugh🙄: yoongi are you into jimin

Yoon: what???
Yoon: I'm not gay

Ugh🙄: never said you were
Ugh🙄: look, I like you a lot Yoongi
Ugh🙄: but you're probably the dumbest fucker I've ever met

Yoon: oof

Ugh🙄: I know you don't wanna lose Jimin
Ugh🙄: and I really don't wanna deal with you being depressed over it when you're the one who caused it
Ugh🙄: he's still your best friend

Yoon: ugh
Yoon: you're right
Yoon: thanks

Ugh🙄: don't thank me
Ugh🙄: I still think ur not straight

Yoon: May you're my girlfriend

Ugh🙄: there are other sexualities

Yoon: I'm done with this convo

Ugh🙄: understandable

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