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Kook👌: are you still mad at me?

Jimin💯: idk are you bad at math

Kook👌: okay wow harsh
Kook👌: I'm sorry for asking you to homecoming over text

Jimin💯: and?

Kook👌: and for turning off my phone right after

Jimin💯: and?

Kook👌: and for ignoring you at school

Jimin💯: and?

Kook👌: ???
Kook👌: that's all I did?

Jimin💯: i don't think thats how you apologize Jungkook

Kook👌: oh shit you're actually mad
Kook👌: you never call me Jungkook

Jimin💯: yes I am actually mad
Jimin💯: it was fucked up of you
Jimin💯: I get it you were nervous
Jimin💯: but ignoring me and walking away whenever I got near you?
Jimin💯: that's a shitty way to tell someone you like them

Kook👌: i know. I'm really sorry Jimin

Jimin💯: I'll bet
Jimin💯: just let me cool off for a bit
Jimin💯: I don't want to say something mean

Kook👌: okay
Kook👌: text me when you need me

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