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Jimout: I'm sorry

Yoongi: you never apologize first

Jimout: that's because I'm never wrong

Yoongi: I phrased my wording wrong, I should be the one apologizing

Jimout: you have
Jimout: over and over again
Jimout: I was being a bitch and I'm really sorry
Jimout: can we just be friends again and move past it all

Yoongi: yes please
Yoongi: I've missed you

Jimout: don't b gay

Yoongi: I mean it though
Yoongi: we've been friends for so long it's weird when we don't talk

Jimout: I missed you too
Jimout: no more mushy stuff
Jimout: did u see what Cindy was wearing

Yoongi: that skirt looks so bad on her omg

Just a couple of judgey besties

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