The start.

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I just got back from worshiping our savor Kerrce Ara; the sun was starting to set. Kerrce Ara is the holy ruler of the city, but he certainty does not rule over the mountains. I live in England the year of 2031. My family and I settled in the city were all the people who praise Kerrce Ara stay. If you live in the mountains then you're a low life born to perish. I've heard tales of how children in the mountains were brought up to die for their people.

Sometimes Ara forces kin to settle in the mountains as punishment either that or you get sent into the desert with no food or water. Having to go through a slow painful demise.

The people of the mountains are against Ara and would murder him if they got the chance. Years ago Kerrce Ara sent solders to the mountains to slay all the citizens who lived there. The soldiers killed most of them but not all, the remaining people escaped and repopulated. Thinking of my wise ruler I walk to my house and knock on the stone door.

Farah opens the door and quickly pulls me inside.

"Athena you know Kerrce Ara's rule about women, they shouldn't be out past sun set. Why can't you follow rules? I can't wait for the day you fall ill" She waves three fingers in the air.
That's the sign of disgust and hatred. I walk pass my paranoid sister, lift up my sea blue and green skirts, then go upstairs to my bedroom.

Igently lay on my bed; I'm so tired and hurt. During sunrise at the worshiphouse one of Ara's soldier's whipped me across the back for having my hair toolong.

Kerrce Ara believes that women should have above the shoulder length hair, it supposedly shows dignity and adequate. I sigh

"Why can't we all just live in harmony?" I ask myself, this is a question even I can't answer. I lay there on my bed lost in my thoughts until my sister yelling from downstairs interrupts me.

"Athena may you please come downstairs!" I lift up my layered skirt and gracefully walk down the stairs to find myself surrounded by three Solders.

"Athena these fine gentlemen are here to take your life, for being weak and going against Kerrce Ara's rules" Farah says with a grim smile plastered on her pale face. I've seen that smile; it's the grim smile that Farah made when they hung Da. We were children, ten years old. Farah was the one who caused the cruel event; she was the one who wrote the letter to Kerrce Ara telling of the rules my guardian has been bending.

When they pulled the rope around Da's neck mum and I turned away. But Farah stayed still watching his neck snap with a grim spine-chilling smile on her face. She was then praised and awarded for her honesty. I always knew she would one day try to end my life too.

Two of the soldiers grab my arms snapping me out of my thoughts while the other one took out a blade. The soldier with the blade slashed me in the forehead, the other two let go and I could hear Farah thanking them before my hearing stopped. My head throbs with pain as the blood drips down my face. I fall to the ground, unconscious.

I wake up on a wooden floor with a violent pang in my head my vision was blurry. Everything was out of focus.

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