New Friend.

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Can you please give me my identity card before I pass out "I sputter, the skeleton takes my hand and blows in it. My card appears on my palm, there was a picture of my dead body on it and it stated; Name: Athena Edwards, Death: blade to head and then burned, Age: 15, Gender: female. It also had a barcode on the bottom. I shiver; it was disturbing looking at my identity card. It was like having haunted train papers.

"Now what do I do? Where do I go?" I ask. The skeleton grabs a piece of paper from a shelf and hands it to me. I look at the paper. It's a schedule. The schedule says that I'm on guard duty for The Museum of Death and Scars.

"But where's The Museum of Death and Scar's..." I ask while looking up, the skeleton and booth were gone. I sigh and walk away to ask someone for directions. I don't see anybody; I walk farther and still can't find any spirits. I can't be the only one here.

"Excuse me miss are you lost?" a deep voice ask, I turn around to face a handsome young man who looks about the same age as me. He had deep blue eyes, short dark brown hair, and perfect caramel skin that was kind of peeling. I could tell he was once from the mountains. I hesitate to reply, it's forbidden for city folk to talk to low life like him.

"Yes, I'm looking for The Museum of Death and Scar's. Do you know where it is?" He comes close and says,

"Yes, it's right behind you" I look behind me. When did that get there? I face the boy again and smile a fake smile.

"Thank you very much. And to whom do I owe the pleasure? I'm Athena Edwards" He takes my hand and blows in it. In my palm was his identity card. It had a picture of his expired body, he was lying near the palace of Kerrce Ara with a hole where his heart was. It also stated; Name: Damian Worthy, Death: bullet to the heart, Age: 17, and had a barcode on the bottom.

"Damian can I ask you another question?" he nods his head. I come close and whisper in his ear,

"Where is everybody?" He laughs and answers,

"Their all around you" I look around to see spirits everywhere.

"But how did they get here? They weren't here before" I ask very confused He laughs again,

"Most spirits stay hidden, just incase a Dark Angel comes in underworld territory which is what happened today" then he became serious "rumor has it that a dark angel touched you. Is it true? How did it feel?"

My face gets hot with embarrassment, I didn't know people were already talking about me, "yes it's true a Dark Angel did touch me, it was very painful. My brain even lit on fire" he glanced over my shoulder and he clears his throat,

"Well I think you should be on your way to the museum. You don't want to be late, then you'll get in trouble with the Nano's" I nod and run into The Museum of Death and Scar's.

It was the most horrific thing I've ever seen. There was a timeline of famous deaths and The Hall of Scar's. This place was cold and unforgiving, making you want to vomit. I walk to the admission desk; behind the desk was a scarce creature.

"Excuse me I'm here for guard duty?" I say as more of a question than a statement. The creature squints and asks in a harsh tone,

"Can I see your identity card?" I take out my hand and blow on it. It works, my identity card appears on my palm. I hand him my card, he skims it then scans the barcode on this strange item that kind of looks like what my grandmother described as a computarar or coputer, something like that.

"Your all set here you go." He hands me my identity card and continues, "You can walk around and make sure nobody's stealing the scar's or death portraits" I nod my head and start walking around. Everything seems normal. I go to the top level to see if everything is good there too. I start to walk around, I gasp there's a market. I sigh. I wonder what angel food taste like.

I'll probably never find out. You know what I need to start trying to find a way out of here. They won't mind if I skip guard duty. I guess Farah was right I don't follow rules; I guess I did deserve death.

I walk down the stairs to the first floor and gracefully walk to the front door past the admissions desk. Lucky me the horrid creature is on break. I didn't know there were breaks, for the underworld it's not that harsh.

But that doesn't change the fact that it's creepy, staying here makes you want to crawl in a corner of a dirty washroom and sob until you run out of tears. I walk through the front door. Since I'm a spirit I can walk threw doors and walls! This is like witch craft.

Focus Athena focus on the task at hand. I have to get my head in the game. I walk around, trying to find Damian. Maybe he went home, wait we don't have homes. I learned that from my mum she would tell me horrid stories of the underworld, so I could know to be good to become a beautiful angel. I guess I let her down since I'm not a beautiful angel. But I will be if I just focus.

Lets see what are some facts I know about the Underworld that can help me. I know that it's unquestionably hot, so hot that my skirt is sticking to my legs. I also know that there are no homes and that Dark Angels are disgraced creatures to spirits. That's pretty much it. Anyway I can't see anyone they all must be hidden.

"Excuse me mam are you lost, again?" says a familiar voice. I turn around. It's Damian.

"Yes I was wondering..." I trailed of. He gives me a confused look "what were you wondering?"

"Is there a way out of here?" The words just rolled off my tongue its not what I intended to say. Damian's eyes widen,

"It's forbidden to talk about that" he says in a worried tone I sigh, He leans in close,

"But I love to break the rules" I smile and he continues, "there's a spirit who roams the edge of the underworld territory that can help you. His name is Blake. Don't let the Nano's catch you." I nod and start walking away. I feel a hand on my shoulder; I turn around to see Damian again.

"I'm coming with you, this place really isn't right for me" I laugh and link my arm in his "well then come on lets hurry up, the faster we get there the better!" 

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