Cover Trouble 2:

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I quickly grab a hair tie and exit the room - making sure to take the only key. I sprint to G's room and pound on the door.

"Emergancy, Emergancy" George springs open the door.

"You ready to get your emergency guitar?"

We link arms and cross past Blake - Reece and Katie are just entering their room at the end of the corridor - i carry on as if he wasnt there.

We get back to the hotel and George has finally bought another guitar.

"Let's take the stairs, burn off the chicken i had yesterday" George suggests to which i agree.

2 floors up and we turn a corner. I immediately push George back and tell him to stop speaking. I peer round the corner to see Blake. With Emily. The one girl he knows i can not stand. AKA, the girl who wants me and Blake to end and he is oblivious to it.

Without leaving one whisper of breathe, i turn on my heels and open the elevator door. He isnt going to ruin my Disney day. I have George, Katie and Reece here. I dont need him.

As i turn around, my head bumps into George's chest. None of us move, he just holds me tighter and the tears fall from my eyes.

"How could he do this? Especially at this time in your relationship. I know it's difficult for him to come to terms with but he needs to think of you, not himself. I'm so sorry A" George whispers. His voice is my only source of comfort.

"Can i stay in your room? I don't want to be near him, not until he speaks to me" he nods and he gives me one last squeeze before the elevator doors slide open.

I pull away from George's chest and open my eyes to see a very concerned looking Katie.

"It's really not what it looks like; more that can be said about Blake. He's with Emily" her body language screams anger. She begins to storm away.

"Katie, stop!" I plead yet i know it's useless.

"I hope he's not there know because all hell will break loose. He shouldn't even think of speaking to her especially now. Now of all times. I understand he can be stressed but this isn't the answer. He can't escape it. You've been together too long for this to occur. He's a dick and my view on him has completely changed!" I knew i shouldn't have told her.

"Katie please, i can deal with him"

"Right. Reece and George act like nothing has happened and you film this cover and you upload it, leave the details down to how A wants to handle this but you know i'm here if you need me" she places her arm around my shoulders.

Will You Still Love Me? ; Blake Richardson Where stories live. Discover now