Sad Law

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"UGHHHHHHhhhhhhhh..." The group sighed heavily on the table.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one having a hard time sleeping." – You entered the kitchen and sat beside Bepo hugging him – "What's wrong my fluffy white ball?"

Bepo didn't even mind your nicknames, he was also too tired "Captains took over the control room last night..." He sighed leaning his cheek on top of your head.

"We almost hit a coral reef! How did you not wake up with all the noise?!" – Penguin asked across from you and beside Shachi whose head leaned against the table. A small snore could be heard sometimes.

"Ehhh..." You didn't know how to react as the memories of last night made you flushed – "I-I-I... I was busy capturing one of the captains!" No one noticed your smartass change of subject, they were too excited about the news.

"R-Really? You did?" – Penguin jumped instantly waking up Shachi.

"W-What did I miss?!" – Shachi panicked while the rest of the crew, including you, celebrated.

"(Y/N) captured one captain!" – Bepo explained excitedly.

"So which one was it?" – Penguin showered you with questions – "Was it hard? How did you do it? Did you bait him? Tell us, tell us!"

"Actually..." You told them the truth but left out the last part of course.

Quickly their excitement turned into boredom and tiredness and the mood had turned back to its original state.

"Still four to go!..." Shachi practically melted on his chair.

"Did you put sea stone cuffs on him?" – Penguin remembered.

"Yeah, but I don't really think he needs it though" You sweat dropped.

Most of your crewmembers fell asleep, you and Penguin were the only ones trying to stay active by chatting. As the conversation went on you felt cold and snuggled into Bepo with your back facing the open door but you kept having this weird sensation as if someone was watching you from behind.

You tried shrugging the sensation off, looking back once in a while. Penguin was also falling asleep wrapped in his arm blanket. Before he finally did fall asleep you asked to join him, staying true to his perverted nature he said yes.

Your mind slowly drifted away thanks to your nerves. At some point your head fell to the side, on Penguin's shoulder. When your body finally relaxed your brain decided to play with you and give you a nightmare, one with the similar sensation from before. You dreamed you were stalked and fought it in your dreams, crying a little, and unaware your moans pleased a certain someone beside you.

Between moans, he caressed your cheek.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" You screamed waking up from the nightmare.

"KYAAAAA!" Tears rolled down his eyes as he backed away shivering in fear "W-W-W-WHY? WHY DID YOU D-DO THAT?! Y-YOU SCARED M-ME! You... YOU MEANIE!"

Before you standed a very tall, muscular, cute but teary Law! You noticed his hand was touching you when you woke up startled.

"ME? Y-YOU scared ME! W-WERE YOU T-TOUCHING M-ME?! If so... W-WHY?" Penguin's nature seemed to have influenced you deeply as your mind run wild with naughty thoughts.

"I-I-I-I... G-GOMEN! I DIDN'T MEAN TO, I'M S-SO SORRY!" Law blushed madly and began to cry upon realizing he'd been caught "I-I'll understand if y-you hate me..." He backed away to a corner and kept muttering words to himself while drawing circles with his finger.

Speechless, was the right word to describe your reaction as you had never ever experienced such cuteness in your life.

"I'm in heaven." You whipped the drooling off and walked over him cupping his cheek with your hand "T-There's no way I'd hate you, ever!"

My five Captains! (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now