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You ran faster than light, without thinking where you were going, running aimlessly. Your weak body asked for rest not long after, despite being a pirate and part of a famous group, you still hadn't the best shape. You stopped in a nearby bench, breathing heavily and laying down.

Loud music came to your ears, you could tell it was not far, but you still had to rest for a bit. While resting with your eyes closed the music seemed to become louder, your empty mind now focused on the tunes that reached you, some were recognizable, some not. You could tell by the pattern the music came from a club.

Sitting up slowly, your eyes easily found the sorce of the loud music, just like you predicted a club. Hidden between trees and bushes, a closed club painted in black stood in front of you. In a way, you still couldn't believe what your eyes saw, a night club in the middle of Sabaody Park!

To an even bigger shock, you saw a couple carefully make their way out of the club through the wall! Hiding, you crawled closer to the drunk couple trying to maintain their balance. Not that clubs were your thing but this discovery was a big deal, you were finally able to find and enter the so forbiden night clubs all adults went to. Even your captain and crew went to those once in a while, you were the only one forced to stay behind with a babysitter, Bepo!

For once you wanted to rebel against your captain's orders and he wasn't anywhere near to stop you! The young couple, instead of walking away, passed out right on the spot. Honestly you didn't care, it didn't make much diference to you as long as you were still able to go in and out without getting in problems.

You placed your hand soflty against the black wall, you could feel the music's vibration against your palm. Your heart raced, you tried not to squeal like a little kid as you peeked on the inside, but immediatly regreted.

You instinctively jumped inside doing a back flip with an awesome spy pose as a beer flew above your head immediatly breaking on the wall behind you. The people nearby were too drunk or just didn't care about your age, they simple clapped at your awesome entrance. You might not be the best in combat or strategy in your crew, but you did know how to make the best entrances.

No one knew you, so you walked like a diva, praying none of those losers was actually sober. You found your way to the bar while admiring the big round empty stage on the center. The place was way bigger than it looked from the outside and now you understood why captain didn't let you go with them, most of those clubs, such as this one, had strippers, who threw themselves at any living.

The bartender, as the only sober person nearby, explained to you this was the 'adult's zone' of the park, he gave you a soft drink and told you to get a seat as the show was about to start. Now you felt glad your captain didn't take you with him, besides having to endeer annoying drunk guys you'd have to watch these ugly female strippers lazily rubbing themselves on literally everything. As a woman you felt ofended, you'd rared pay them to stop then keep watching this horrible show, you started to seriously question captain's taste in women. He could at least choose some without STDs.

Suddenly, right before you said your goodbyes to the kind bartender, men appeared on stage, hot men. Now you were interested. You looked over to the bartender behind you, he smiled, you were starting to like this place!

One of the male dancers caught your eye, he was the only one who still hadn't stripped right in the begining of the song, he was fully clothed including a mask and a hat. As you questioned yourself on who the handsome man could be, he made his way over to you while smirking. You put your glass down eyeing him sexily from the corner of your eye, he took your hand kissing it, your smirked. "Two can play the game" - You thought.

Without asking for pemission, the mysterious man threw you over his shoulder, slapping your ass in the process. The crowd cheered as he walked on stage with you in a blushing shocked mess. 

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