Kiss Cam

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A/N: This is my first extra, enjoy!

Oh and please don't forget the stadium has leveled stairs/seats, so when refering to one in the front or back to yours, they'll have a high difference!

Fuming, you walked past him, into your car ignoring his pleas and drove away like a mad women. 

You had to admit, you weren't very patient yourself but at least you tried. You tried to make the relationship work. You did your best so your short temper wouldn't take over and ruin everything... but Nooo! He had to ruin everything this time! It seemed like the only thing he knew how to do lately!

Honestly you were sick of being the only one who tried, of being the glue in what had become your toxic relationship, if it even could be called one...

Once upon a time, two highschool students had put their pride and shame aside as the rivals they were and proclaimed their love for one another before setting off to different universities. 

Their passion burned wild.... but it wasn't enough.

As each day passed the burning decreased, leaving a hole in their hearts. The young woman chose to revive that fire, but the young man had other plans. He decided to fake, to pretend it was still there, that everything was ok. Without noticing it drove them even more away.

One day, not being able to contain herself, the young woman sat down with the young man and had a serious talk. They both agreed to make more time for one another and planned a special date, that neither would be able to withdraw.

But a problem ocurred in the boy's college work and he backed out at the last minute, leaving the girl to enjoy the date for herself.

And that's how you and Andy had ended up like this, separated. Him working on his college work to please the teacher, as a teacher's pet he was, and you going to a hockey game by yourself with red puffy eyes and  tears.

Maybe it was bound to happen...

Maybe it was just another test to see how strong your relatioship was...

Whatever the universe was trying to tell you... you didn't get it.

You sat down on your seat as you waited for the game to start, wishing somehow Andy would appear through out the game to apologize, with lost of kisses, and roses, and chocolates... You were a hopeless romantic.

Loud voices brought you back to reality as five good looking identical twins waved, shook and talked to you.

"Miss, miss! Are you alright?!" - A very worried one sat beside you while cupping your cheeks - "Her temperature is rising, quick let's take her to the hospital!"

"N-No, no! There's no need, I'm fine! I'm fine!" - The quintruplets sighed in reliefe.

"It's a miracle!" - One of the brothers suddenly started crying as he walked over his brother to hug you tightly - "We thought we had lost you for good!"

"Yeah miss, you scared us big time!" - The previous one stood up and sat on the other seat beside you since his orevious one was now occupied by the crying brother.

"You were all drooling and giggling..." - A very disgusted brother took the seat in front of yours - "And your weird breathing! Gosh it was awful!"

You couldn't help both blush and glare at his rude comment - "Well I'm fine now there's no need to worry about me anymore! Thank you very much!"

"Please don't be affected by what he says miss..." - The one beside you spoke again with a tiny smile - "He just acts all tough but in reality he's very sweet on the inside."

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