Chapter 6

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Ethan drove me to his house and we unloaded all of our stuff. Once again Ethan took my bags.
    "Mom?!" Ethan shouted as he opened the door.
    But she was already standing at the entrance. She walks over to me and holds me close. I stuff my head into her shoulder willing the tears not to come. When she releases me she looks at me a second longer before moving into my dad. They embrace quickly but long enough to know it's a heartfelt hug. Finally she asks us what happened. I look away not wanting to remember the scene.
    My dad takes her into the living room and sits her down and tells her what happened. Meanwhile Ethan takes me upstairs and sets my stuff down in his bedroom. I haven't been in his bedroom since I was 10 so looking into 16 year old Ethan's room was a little awkward.
     His walls were still a navy blue but pretty much everything else in his room had changed. His bed had a straight blue comforter on it and instead of toys lining his shelves he has pictures and a few trophies. On his walls he was a few pictures but mostly posters of athletes that he likes.
    "I haven't been up here in forever," I said as I walk over to the pictures hanging on the wall.
    "I know; it seems like forever hasn't it?"
    "Yeah but I guess that's how everything is in life anymore," I said as I picked up a picture of him and me as kids.
    We were at one of our favorite parks to go to as kids. I was sitting in the swing and Ethan was behind me pushing me as high as he could get me. A smile spreads across my face. Those were the days when life was so simple and easy and you didn't have to worry about a single thing.
    "I can't believe you still have this," I said as I show him the picture.
    A smile spread across his face, "That's one thing I will never get rid of. Actually that's one of the only pictures that I like of you and me from when we were kids."
    "Oh come on you don't like this one?" I said as I lifted up the one where we both had whipped cream in our hair.
    "Gosh no! I hate that picture!" he said shaking his head.
    "Why?! I think it's adorable," I said being sarcastic.   
    He just sat there shaking his head and laughing, "Ok you look adorable with your cute smile but my frown... gosh no!"
    I actually smiled and laughed for a second but then I realized why I was there in the first place. My smile quickly faded and Ethan walked over and embraced me.
    "Things will be okay, I promise," he said whispering into my ear.
    "I hope you're right. Ethan I didn't even get to tell her. I didn't get to tell her about you and me, or anything."
    "I know babe, it'll be ok."
    "How do you know?"
    "Because things like this always turn out ok in the end."
    "I hope so, because I miss her."
    "I know babe, I know."
    From down the stairs I could hear Ethan's dad, Nick, walk in the door and my dad and Ethan's mom, Kerry, stop talking. I could hear them get up to meet Nick.
    "We probably need to head downstairs, you're dad's home," I said and I pull out of Ethan's arms and wipe my eyes carefully not to hit the bruises.
    "You sure?" he asked giving me a sideways look.
    "Yeah, come on, no need to hide up here."
    We walked down the stairs and into his living room where all three adults sat. They were talking in hushed tones and when they saw us walk down the stairs the stopped talking abruptly. They all looked at the two of us like we were little kids again and they didn't want us to hear what was going on.
    "What?" I asked.
    "Why don't you two go finish dinner up and then we'll talk," Kerry said with a smile.
    "Sure mom why not," Ethan said as he pulled me into the kitchen.
    Once we were there I unloaded, "Why do they still have to treat us like kids? I think we all know what happened!"
    "Breathe Abby," Ethan said rubbing my arms.
    "No it's not fair. We're not five anymore!"
    "No it's not fair. But there are still things that we don't need to hear, even though we are almost 17."
    "It's not fair. It was my mom!" I said starting to cry again.
    I could hear the water starting to boil over. I walked over to the pot and stirred it to get it to stop boiling over. Ethan came up behind me and put his head on my shoulder. Then he wrapped his arms around me and held me. He didn't say anything but he didn't have to, even in silence I knew what he was thinking.
    "I'll be okay," I said as I turned to face him.
    "I know you will be," he said as he puts his lips to my forehead.
    "I just don't know what to do."
    "We'll figure it out, I promise."
    "Okay, I really hope so."
    "Kids would you come here please," I could hear Kerry call from the living room.
    "Coming!" Ethan hollered back as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room.
    "Well?" I ask as we sit down on the couch across from the adults.
    "The police called about twenty minutes ago to inform us that they have no trace of the person who murdered your mother," my dad responded quietly.
    "They're going to look right?" I asked.
    "Yes, but the chances of them finding the person is... unlikely," Nick responded.
    "What? I don't understand. It should be easy. His prints should be all over the house and mom's body."
    "They did a complete sweep of the house and the only prints in the house are of your family."
    "That's no possible!" Ethan exclaimed as he put his arm around my shoulder.
    "It is if he removed his prints or wore gloves," Kerry says.
    "How are you all so calm about this?" I ask my dad.
    "Because we have to be," my dad told me.
    "No. You just lost your wife and you don't even seem fazed!" I shout at him.
    "Abby..." Ethan warned me.
    "NO! How can you be so calm? Honestly?" I question him.
    "Abby that's enough," he answers calmly but I could tell he was holding back.
    "No I want to know!"
    "Abby that's enough!" he yelled.
    I was stunned. I had actually never heard my dad yell before in my entire life. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes. Everyone sat there for a moment looking stunned. Apparently they had never heard my dad yell before either.
    "I need some air," I say as I pull away from Ethan and go for the front door.
    As I got to the front door I heard Ethan get up from the couch and start walking towards me. I only had a few seconds to do this. I opened the door and closed it behind me and took off down the street before Ethan saw which way I went.

*Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been super busy with finals and school. I plan to update more often. Hopefully. 😅 Thank you again so much for reading this. It really means a lot.

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