Grachi: Mecha, finally a new year and without Mia and ... no negative magic
Mecha: It will be an amazing year!
Matilda: Hello, Mecha and Grachi.
Mecha: Morning Matilda!
Grachi: Ready for another school year!
Matilda: Yup!
Grachi: I hope I don't transport myself into the pool, but send us to school!
Grachi:Hey Guys! I did it! I transported myself into the Escalorium!
Matilda & Mecha: Great Job!
Mecha: Grachi, today I'm going to your house!
Grachi: Sure, Ok!
Later In The Afternoon.
Grachi: (Casts a spell), and turns her homework into a written essay.
Cussy: And, that's it for your training!
Grachi: Thank You, so much for helping Cussy!
Cussy: Any Time!
Grachi Season 3 English Dub
FantasiThis follows, a girl named Graciella Alonso, but she finds out she's not your ordinary teenage girl, she's a witch. Follow Grachi's crazy adventure by reading the sequel to the 2nd series of Graciella Alonso, and her sidekick Mecha Cruz!