3 : Mystic Messenger in Middle School (SPECIAL) P.1

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I sat at my desk waiting for the teacher to come in. I looked out the window as I heard kids filing in. The sky was starting to darken and gray clouds took over. I chuckled, remembering a certain poem of my friend. 

Roses are red, 

Dark skies are gray,

The rumor comes out,

Does Jumin Han is gay?!

"What'cha laughing about?" I flinched out of fright and I turned around to see Yoosung taking his seat behind me. 

"Do you remember that poem that you and Zen made up about Jumin?" I watched him look up as if he's looking into a library of his thoughts. 

A few minutes later he clicked back in,"Oh, yeah! What about it?" 

"I just remembered it." I shrugged and turned back to the window. "Mm. Okay." 

The bell rang and everyone quieted down when Ms. Rika walked into the classroom. 

[guys i know we all hate Rika but she's ... less evil in here. i guess.] 

"Okay! Everyone! Please quiet down!" Once she got everyone's attention, she continued. "We have two new students with us! Believe it or not, they're twins!" 

Two red-heads walked into the room, one with glasses that was shy and one that was enthusiastic, without glasses. 

"Would you guys like to introduce yourselves?" 

The enthusiastic one nodded. "I'm Saeran Choi!" He waved excitedly and I could hear girls in the back squealing on how cute he is. 

"I'm Saeyoung Choi. Nice to meet you." He was quiet and when I glanced to the back, I saw Aisai whispering to Saki. Saki moved over one seat, creating a space between her and Aisai. 

I rolled my eyes and put my attention back on Saeran and Saeyoung. "Aww, looks like we'll have to split you two up." I smiled when I saw Saeran's expression dampened at the thought of being separated from his twin brother. 

"I know, but this will only be temporary. We'll do seating charts next week. Saeran you could go sit behind Yoosung. Yoosung raise your hand, please." 

I turned around to see Yoosung enthusiastically raising his hand with a smile. 

Two happy people, behind me. Gross. 

Saeran saw how enthusiastic Yoosung was so he cheered up quickly and walked to his seat.

"And Saeyoung you can sit-" 

"Ms. Rika! Me and Saki have a seat between us! He could sit here!" I rolled my eyes again. 

Saki and I, FYI. 

Ms. Rika hesitated but listened anyway. "Okay, Saeyoung. You can sit by Aisai and Saki. Please raise your hands girls." They raised their hands happily and Saeyoung slowly walked over to his new seat. 

Passing by me, our eyes made contact. 


Hey guys! I know I've been gone a while and I haven't updated in a while! I'm sorry for that but I did want to take a break from the actual story line and just make a special! Saeran might be OOC but it's fan fiction. ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you did, vote and share! Until the next update, stay murderous my lovely kittens! 

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