Unbeknown (AKA: RIP CLAUDIA)

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Claudia catches Lestat and Louis in the bedroom because they didn't lock the door.
Warning: strong sexual content

That monstrosity of crying elicited from the other end of the hall provoked poor little Claudia into rising from her bed. With all due childlike curiosity, she could not help but to tiptoe to the back of her door and open it slightly. Slightly enough to peek her eyes through, and what she saw was her father Lestat scrambling up the stairs to the very end of the hallway. He was headed toward the bedroom, where her other father Louis most certainly resided.

Like any other child, a parents' distress would be absolutely devastating to her. So, out of her pure and divine drive to discover what was wrong, she moused out of her bedroom when Lestat stepped inside, over to the area where her fathers' bedroom was,


As silent as a corpse, she plastered herself to the front of their bedroom door; listening, pondering whatever could be behind it.

When listening wasn't enough, she opened the door just a crack- and peered inside. (The fate of being caught did not apply to her now. All candles were off, so she could camouflage with the darkness. Even when watching from her own bedroom door, she could barely see Lestat as it was.)

Louis was on his knees, sobbing his eyes out and praying in front of a crucifix that hung from the wall in front of him. Mixed with the moonlight which shined almost romantically on his body through French doors, his pose was haunting. He became even more ghostly as he babbled about his eternal damnation, pondering what he could do to be forgiven, plus apologizing after every other sentence about a Paul and wanting to die. Lestat was standing behind him, and Louis was so soaked up into his own melancholy that he didn't even notice.

"God will only eat your prayers, Louis."
He said.

Louis, as if beaten to the point of paranoia, shot a look to him. He looked like a pretty monster when he cried. Blood tears had stained his face crimson as if he had murdered someone, and some drops even suicided themselves into the white cotton of his tunic. It was daring to brown at his collarbones now.

"I... I didn't know you were here." He said.

Lestat walked over to him, and Louis watched attentively. He kneeled behind him, and glued himself to the back of his aching body; chest against back and chin upon shoulder. From there, Lestat did whatever he could- as if desperately- to caress any flesh belonging to Louis's body that he could get his hands on. From there, he started to coo into his ear.

"Why do you continue to blame yourself?" He asked, trying to pull his body into leaning against his own, but Louis stayed stone.

"I deserve it." Louis said (and would ALWAYS say). Before he could finish himself, Lestat came at him with a

"No you don't."

Louis sighed, and fell crying into his hands again.

"You don't get it." He murmured.

"What don't I get?" He asked.

"I killed my brother, therefore I am a murderer; a monster! I deserve to die for this, can you see?"

Lestat stared down at Louis, trying to fiddle his hands and his palms, but they'd never fit. So he stood up, took the crucifix off the wall, and caressed it gently with his fingers. Studying the face of Christ... the man he personally referred to asabsolutely redundant- looked at him with dead eyes as if he personally knew him. Should Lestat have known him, he would have never believed in the poison which spewed from his mouth.

Please just save them / Louis and Lestat OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now