The Disgusting Side Effects of Too Much Adoration

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Summary: Lestat and Louis love each other a little too much... and what they do is horrible.
Warnings: mentions of sex and gore. Not like guts gore but you'll have to read it to know what I mean.
Note: I was high on sleep deprivation while writing this I can't believe I actually spent the time trying to write this good. Please bear with me.


The power of making love is a gift far beyond the realm of God, or Jesus, or Supernaturalism. And when Lestat pulled out of my cold body, I shuddered. My body was aching for him again, just like it was before he even touched me. As his Februarian body descended back into the confines of our coffin, I used every ounce of energy that was left in me to kiss him roughly.

It was rough enough that his gold hair concocted themselves between my lips,  but I didn't care. It only pushed me to slither myself onto his lap, and constrict my arms around his snowflake neck. He made my lips bleed, and the blood smeared to the outer corners of his lips as if I had rubbed rose petals violently around them. Then I took my time to study him, admiring how my blood adorned the corners, and stretched with his skin as he smiled at me. I only smiled back, and licked the rest from his face.

After I was finished, I lied against his chest, worshipping every heartbeat he gave to me.

"I wish I could be closer to you." I said.

Lestat laughed at the remark. Honestly, I felt like laughing too.

"Louis, if we were any closer, I'd have to be stitched to you."

I pushed my head deeper against his chest.
"I wouldn't mind that."

"Neither would I."


About an hour later, Lestat had me sitting on a bed, where he faced the other side of me. In his left hand, he held my right, and in his right hand, he bared the needle and thread.

And if Lestat wasn't going to kill me through this, apprehension surely would have. In fact, I could hear it's tongue, slobbering all over its teeth, screeching my name.

Was this a good decision? Surely. I never left Lestat. We were practically one body because of it! And I was ready. I had already spent the majority of my life with this man, this divine man, and I was ready to rot all the way into the depths of Hell with him. Not to mention, I was in my purest form: Bare. Naked. Existing to the world the way I was birthed into it.

Lestat sat in front of me milk and bare, white and snow. He met my eyes with such a palpable form of love that I nearly lost myself in them. All I wanted to do was touch his face, creep my way up his cheek and Spider my fingers between his eyelashes. And I did, shaking as our eyes never left each other.

Lestat's pale hand shook while the needle rested cleanly between his thumb and index finger. His left hand was flat against my right, and he pointed the tip to his ring finger, just above the nail. Then he looked up at me.

"Are you ready for this?"

Apprehension was already pawing at me, torturing me! Hissing in my ears and licking my temples!

"Yes I'm ready!" I pleaded, "get it over with-"

My senses had never sang in such a melodic fashion before as they did when Lestat pierced them. They hurt, like a pinch, but it was a good kind of hurt, because right after, I wasn't afraid of apprehension anymore, rather, apprehension was afraid of me, and I loved it. I wanted to scream in its face. I couldn't even feel the pain anymore.

Please just save them / Louis and Lestat OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now