Mysterious meeting

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a/n ok so here it is my first doctor who fanfiction yay! *throws confetti* ok so go easy i tried to fix all grammar and spelling but I'm not perfect so deal with it. Also please I rather not have any one telling me how bad a writer I am so just keep that in mind. also I did change the name from abby to ally so if you see an abby that's why. IT would mean alot to me if you vote :) or comment. I'll try to update every weekend, would you perfer long or short chapters? Oh and i do not own doctor who. you know what i don't own a so here we go!

come back please dont do this! a voice screamed through the dark. i ignored it and kept running through the darkness having no clue what could be waiting when the light comes.

"stop!" The voice yelled from above but i ignored them again. I needed to forget. i have to forget. My feet started to hurt from running. I had cuts all over my body from limbs of trees trying to catch me. in the distance i saw the rising light.

"no! i cant see what i truly am i must forget!" i screamed and then light overwhelmed me.

I sat up straight in my bed panting heavily. i quickly got up and ran over to the sink and washed my face. what was that? that was the first time i ever had a dream like that..

"Ally!" my mom yelled from downstairs "you up?"

"uh, ya. ya im up" i called back. i tried to shake this feeling from me that something bad was going to happed but it still stayed in my gut. i continued getting ready for school.

"hello" my mom said to me handing me my breakfast money

"thanks mom!" i smiled at her, my smile not reaching my eyes.

"you ok?"

" ya im fine. oh and i forgot i have drama club practice tonight, i'll text you when its over OK?" i reminded her as i slipped on my boots.

"ok! have a good day!" she hollered after me. I grabbed my bag threw it over my shoulder put my headphones in and started to walk to Starbucks where i meet my best friend. when i arrived i ordered a vanilla bean frapachino. I slowly sipped it waiting for lexi. while i was waiting a very handsome man walked in. He had the strangest outfit on. He had a brown pin-strip suite on, a trench coat was it called? it was dark brown reached his ankles and was unbuttoned. He had red converse on. Weird outfit. His hair looked as if he gelled it up or simply gravity couldn't control it, but for some reason that made him even more hansom. His eyes though They were a dark brown and his eyebrows one was raised the other one was down. I wondered how he did that. I looked away not wanting him to notice that i was starring at him. I realized then lexi had taken a seat next to me.

"whacha starring at?" she asked taking a sip of her strawberry frappuccino. i placed a hand down to shush her gave her the look at nodded towards the man.

"oh." She said eyeing him up.

"i saw him first" i warned

"well yes but remember I'm 19 and you're what 16" she reminded me

"you always forget that I am 237!" i reminded her annoyed. she just sighed and we both continued to stare at the man slowly sipping our drinks. he looked around, his eyebrows in the same position, his tongue to the roof of his mouth and brown glasses on.

"can i help you" the lady asked him

"yes i would like a vanilla latte and a bagel" he said with a Scottish with a hint of British accent. i looked over at lexi, we both did the whoa adorable guy look again and giggled. he grabbed his stuff and walked out. the scene was painted in my mind him walking with the latte in one hand a bag in the other and in the background a statue of an angle that seemed to be crying.

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