chapter two- escape the box

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I pulled Away first and looked at him. what am I doing? I'm crying why am I crying?

"What's wrong ally ?" the doctor asked concerned

"I-I I have no idea." I chuckled thro my tears.

"Okay then?" He stated confused.

" I just can't explain it I'm sorry but I can't"

"Whatever" he replied uninterested. that stung a little. I looked down and bit my lip trying not to cry anymore.

" How are we gonna get out?" I asked him slicing thro the silence.

"No idea"

"Someone is bound to come soon, right?"

"Maybe" he replied with no emotion

"Kick down the door" I said. no idea where that came from

"Excuse me?" the doctor asked confused

"You heard me! its the only logical idea"

" I never kicked down a door" he mumbled ashamed

"You must be kidding!" I said with a laugh

"No I'm not" he defended

"900 years all over the universe and you never kicked down a door?"

"Well for your information mmiss kick down doors, my sonic usually dose that."

"Please enlighten me on what a sonic is" I replied equally as heated

"It's this!" he said proudly holding up the metal stick from earlier "its my sonic screwdriver! she can unlock anything and scan things too!" the pride in his voice made my soul melt on how attached he can be.

"Wait wait wait. why didnt you open the door stupid!" I yelled

"She doesn't do wood"


'All great things have weaknesses"

"Whatever, just kick down the door." I said exasperated

"Fine!" he said like an unappreciated 4 year old. He shuffled passed me so he was positioned in front of the door.

"Don't hurt yourself" I commented

'Ha-ha" he replied sarcastically

"One " he started

"What's your doctors name" I teased

" Shut it- two"

"Three!" he yelled at his foot connected with the door as he let out a howl of pain

"OWWWW!" I almost made a sarcastic remark but I held my tong and said and honest "are you okay"

He just glared at me holding his foot.

"Why did you tell me to do this?"

" Thought you could do it"

"Well you thought wrong" he yelled

"Sorry mr. grumpy-pants" I lectured

"You think your all high and mighty?" He asked

"Ya I do" I replied honestly

"You try it".

"I won't try it ill do it!" I said in his face. we switched places and prepared



"Don't break anything" the doctor interrupted.

"I'm not like you sorry" I regained my composure

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