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  "Do you think you could get me a cup of water please?" Castiel asked a tired Dean who slept right beside him before starting to cough.

  It was around the early hours of the morning when the sun would peak through the curtains and when Castiel would wake up starting his coughing fits. Dean would usually wake up and bring him water. It was the new normal in once happy household.

  Castiel always felt guilty asking Dean to get up for him. Dean always seem tired and dull but in all honesty Dean didn't mind. All he was was worried. He never was really convinced it was 'just a flu' but he also didn't know what it could be. It just drove him insane. 

  "Thanks." Castiel said taking the glass of water and drinking. Dean just nodded in response before settling back down in bed snuggling close to Castiel not minding the continuous coughing.

    The night continued but Dean couldn't brush off the feeling that something was just not right. And for once he was right he just didn't know what.  

  "Hey Cas," Dean spoke "is there something you're not telling me?" He asked.

  Castiel froze. Oh how he wish he could just come out and say it but he knew it would be hard. He lied still hoping Dean would think he were asleep he didn't want to continue lying. 

 "Cas?" Dean asked again knowing his lover was still awake.

  "Hmm" Castiel responded.

    "Nevermind" Dean sighed. It was too early to be asking questions with dangerous answers.

  Castiel felt a wave of relief wash over him then a wave of guilt. He just wished there were an easier way to say it but it's always going to come out the same no matter how its phrased. 

  Castiel just didn't know how to tell Dean.

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