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"Oh Dean I - I," and before Castiel could finish his sentence his eyes began to well up with tears. Tears he could no longer blink back. Tears that were pouring down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" he sobbed out dropping to the ground where he only stood on his knees.

Dean was baffled and very heartbroken. He didn't understand. They've been together for more than 7 years. He knew there was something behind this. He knew Castiel returned his feelings of love and admiration.So why this and why know?

"Cas what's really going on?" Dean questioned with a crack on his voice on the verge of tears.

The crying man stopped and looked up wiping his face filled with tears he couldn't hold back.

"Dean I'm- I'm," Castiel stuttered scared.

"You're what?" Dean interrupted with annoyance on his face but his voice sounding on the edge of tears as he was.

"Im sorry." Castiel said wishing this could all be over still lying to Dean.

"Oh no no. You are going to tell me right now because I know something is going on!" Dean responded his tone growing louder and clearly frustrated blinking away tears while letting some roll down his cheek.

"I'm dying." The man on the floor chocked out looking down to ashamed to look up at the crying man stading in front of him.

"You're what?" Dean asked shocked wanting to make sure he heard the correct thing.

"Im dying!" Castiel exclaimed in an angered tone "Im dying thats what I am!" He finished taking a deep breath in and letting it out looking at Dean.

Silence filled the room. The two just stayed there and stared.

The sun was now setting and the beginning of the afternoon began to show through the window. It felt calming to see something beautiful right after something ugly had broken out. It gave a sense of hope and faith and thats what they all needed so the two just stared at the window hoping this would get better

The silence died. Castiel began laughing.

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