What was I thinking. Falling in love with her only for her to leave me in the end and never look back. I guess it is my fault for leaving her though. And the funny things, after the fact that I thought it was over. I knew our love would never fade.
I stared at the face of my lover, how could this be. I knew I had lived but six months ago we were pronounced apart. Forever. How is she here. I grew angry until she opened her mouth and uddered those beautiful words that made me want to just melt away in her arms knowing the consequences. This two simple words.
"Wassup ma." With the famous smirk . The smirks had it going. But then she got serious with me
"te he echado de menos"
I tell her the same. Because it's true. As mad as I am I am happy and I love her.
I was also scared, scared to tell her I was hurt. Scared of how she would handle what I said. So scared that I when she blew up on me for telling her I threatened to kill myself.
I wanted all the pain to be over with. But I was scared.
How do you live with knowing the person you love is gone. Days before she left me we argued because I was going to leave her. I guess that's what hurts. Now here we are the roles flipped and she says I'm trippin.
But she's leaving again. I can't fathom it but I survive anyway. Because I know. I know that love never fades.
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