Chapter Three

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     "So, where're we going today, Doctor?" Rose asks enthusiastically. Ten smiles at her. "Paris, France. How 'bout it?" Rose literally squeals with excitement. "How romantic!" He turns the knobs on the TARDIS, and they set off for Paris.

     Petals float about as Rose and Ten step out of the time machine. They have landed near a row of shops and restaraunts (<---Did I spell that correctly?). "Sure is cold. Wish I had a jacket." The Doctor blushes. "You can have mine." Rose smiles mischievously as Ten wraps his coat around Rose. "Say, Doctor, did you set this up? We're in Paris, the city of romance, and you're giving me your jacket." He blushes again. "Well, Rose, I thought I'd repay you for abandoning you..."

     Rose touches his cheek then. "Doctor, you don't have to repay me for anything...I'll just get my revenge." Her eyes go sultry, and she leans in slowly...BANG!

    "What was that?!" Rose whips around, leaving Ten flustered and slightly dissapointed. They start running toward the source of the noise. There, standing in the middle of the plaza, is a tall man, slender and pale. Half of its body is a normal man, and the other half is distorted and alien-like. Protruding from its hands are long claws. "What in the name of...Doctor, what is that?!" He swallows slowly. "I don't know."

     I AM THE ECILPS. THE MAN BETWEEN THE WORLDS. A whispery voice rings through the heads. "Are you...are you talking in my head? Why are you here?!" I AM HERE TO DELIVER YOU A MESSAGE. A RIDDLE, I SHOULD SAY. BY TAKING THIS JOURNEY, YOU ARE CROSSING DIMENSIONS. FORGETTING WHAT'S REAL INTO THIS NEW ASCENSION. "Doctor, can you hear that too?" He nods. BLOCKING YOUR WORLDS IS THE ONLY WAY, FOR THIS IS THE FINAL DAY. "I think we should go..." They turn around, only to see two dead corpses blocking the way. "JUMP!!" 

     "What do you think he meant?" she knits her eyes together in confusion. "I don't know," he lies. "Welll, I think we should get a cup of coffee, don't you think?" (Trying to lighten up the mood) Rose laughs. "Sure, let's go that French market I saw in a brochure. 'Les Deux Magots'." They chuckle and enter the shoppe, not noticing a small metal insect following them.

A/N: Sorry, I know I suck at writing! I'll try to get better, I swear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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