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I walked through the doorway and saw Beca laying on the ground, staring at her phone.

"Why don't you just sit on the couch? It's right there." I said.

"Oh. How did I get here?" Beca questioned. She looked around. "Well, you see. I was sitting on the couch, but I guess I eventually made my way here, without knowing. Now I'm just too lazy go back up on the couch."

"You're so weird." I said.


I walked through the door and saw no sign of Beca. I decided to check upstairs before worrying.

"Beca?" I called out.

"In here!" She said from our room.

I entered the room and saw her lying on the ground.

"Oh my God!" I yelled. "What happened?"

I knelt down next to her and rolled her over to see a cut on the side of her face.

"Becs, your face is bleeding." I sat her up and ran to get gauze. "What happened?" I asked when I returned.

"I needed my phone, but I was super comfy in bed. I reached over but fell off the bed and hit my face on the desk." Beca said.

"You're so lazy." I said and rolled my eyes.


I walked through the door and smelled something burning.

"Beca!?" I yelled.

"What's up Chlo?" She asked and came down the stairs.

"What's on fire?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said. Then she took a deep breath in and smelled the smoke.

"Shoot!" She yelled and ran into the kitchen. I followed. She opened the toaster oven and sitting on the rack was a very burnt bagel. "Oops."

"What did I marry?" I asked.

"A terrible cook." She sighed.


I opened the door to be attacked by two five year olds.

"Hey kiddos!" I greeted them. "Where's Mom?"

"Help! Chloe!" Beca yelled from the other room and the kids laughed. I ran towards the scream but saw nobody.

"Becs?" I asked.

"I'm in the closet!" She yelled. I went to the closet door and opened it. Beca was curled up in the corner rocking back and forth. She looked up at me with a terrified look as the kids came up behind me. "They locked me in here and-"

"Oliver and Olivia!" I scolded.

"It was an accident." Olivia said and smiled her sweet, innocent smile.

"I'll show you an accident!" Beca got up and went to chase Olivia before I stopped her.

"Babe. Relax. I'm sure they meant no harm." I said and hugged Beca tightly.

Lesson learned: Leaving Beca home alone is like leaving a child home alone and should never be done without proper precautions.


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