Chapter 2: Graveyard Shift

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A/N: This chapter is based off the previous episode of Chicago Med and I have used elements of the dialogue to coincide with it, I do not own Chicago med or any of the sisters shows.

"Morning guys" Camille yawned as she arrived at the ER. It was her second day at Gaffney and she had already managed to secure herself her first Graveyard shift and and she was not looking forward.

Natalie chuckled slightly at the doctor who had practically stumbled her way into the ER "See you tomorrow."

"What?! You're leaving me?" Camille feigned hurt as she held a mocking hand to her chest at the doctor who was putting her arms through her coat sleeve. "Please don't leave me!"

"Melodramatic much?" The sound of yawning came from behind Cammie "Bye Nat"

"You know me my dear William. Aren't you taking off?" Camille asked the red headed doctor. She had been close to Will before she had arrived at Gaffney after she arrived at the ER one night looking for her older brother.

"Don't ever malpractice, these premiums are a nightmare" Will sighed.

"maybe it'll be an easy night." Natalie said making the two look at her as if she had just grown two heads.

That was it. Now someone had said that it was clearly going to be a tough shift.

"Don't jinx it." Will groaned covering his face with the paperwork in his hand.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" Camille raised her eyebrows at the woman who just smiled before leaving for the night to see her son Owen.

Camille had the pleasure of meeting the little boy on one of her days off, Natalie's mother-in-law was sick and had to bring Owen to the ER so Natalie could organise another babysitter. When Camille had walked in looking for her brother who had her car keys for some reason or another she spotted the stressed looking doctor, as she asked what was wrong Natalie explained the whole situation and Cammie was only too happy to offer her services.

"She jinxed it."

"Who jinxed what?" Clarke asked, he had also just arrived for the 'graveyard shift' as it was commonly known to every medical personnel. "I hope it's an easy night"

"Are you serious?"


Camille had just returned from the locker room after changing into her burgundy scrubs and was now stood at the nurse's station texting her brother. Connor and Robyn -Dr Charles' daughter - had attended a black tie evening which Camille herself had been asked to attend though it wasn't something she really enjoyed. After texting her brother she began sorting through any patient files that she was in charge of for the evening, letting out a small but audible yawn she took a sip of her coffee before a voice sprang her into action.

"Dr.Rhodes, incoming." Maggie called to the newest doctor.

"Dr Halstead, Clarke I need a hand" Camille had already made her way to the doors and called the two doctors who had just finished treating a patient to help her. Spotting the paramedics who rushed through the door she took the lead. "What do we got?"

"17-year-old male, extremely combative." The black haired paramedic informed before adding "Trashed our ambo on the ride over."

"Do we know what they've taken?" Camille asked.

"No but they're all the same."

"They? There's more from the same call?" Clarke asked.

The teenager was thrashing and screaming in the doctor's faces and Camille had decided that she would try and restrain him. She began trying to examine the teenager but with arms and feet all over the place she didn't have time to move out of the way when an elbow headed straight for her face knocking her back and into the machines.

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