Chapter 5: Dinner?

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Camille woke up slightly groggy, her throat was sore and her whole body ached. Pulling the cover off her small body she noticed she was still dressed and slowly the memories of last night started coming back to her. She sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes, when she heard the clattering of pans in the kitchen she got up and padded through her apartment.

As she rounded the corner the smell of fresh pressed coffee filled her nose and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

“Hey, you're up” her brother greeted softly. He must've stayed last night.

Camille chose not to speak and instead just settled herself on a bar stool allowing the comfort of her hoodie to warm her. She looked up at the clock and noticed the time .7.04. And cursed herself.

“Why didn't you wake me!? I've got to go to work!” Camille complained to her brother who seemed to be just nodding at his sister's words. “Goodwin’s gonna kill me” he heard her voice trail off as she headed to her bathroom, the curses continued to flow beneath the sound of her scrubbing at her teeth.

Connor made no attempt to argue and just followed her, standing in the doorway still listening to the string of obscenities she was sending his way.

When Camille finished she looked at her brother ready to start again but she was forced to hold that thought when he spoke up.

“Your not late” Connor said simply.

“Yes. Yes I am. My shift started 7 sharp”

“Cammie, you've got another hour” Connor said his voice monotonous, his expression blank.

Camille just looked at him as though he was a villain on her favourite TV show.  “But-”

“I called Goodiwn, told her we had a family emergency. I told her to expect you at 8”

“But you turned my alarm off” Camille pointed out her perfectly shaped eyebrow raised.

Connor shrugged and spoke as if the answer was obvious “you were exhausted, you needed sleep.”


“No ‘buts’ you are going to eat breakfast and then we are going to go to work”

“Okay” Camille agreed and allowed Connor to push her towards the kitchen, his hands placed securely around her back.

“Now eat.”

Once she was finished eating Camille had her usual morning shower and searched her wardrobe for something to wear. She eventually settled for a red crew neck sweatshirt, her favourite black jeans and her trustworthy black boots. Looking her outfit over she decided that her outfit would half to do, it didn't really matter considering she would change into comfy scrubs as soon as she got there but it would be nice that people didn't notice the dark features she was wearing today.

Connor had insisted on driving but Camille was quick to decline the offer and asker her brother if it would be okay to continue with their normal routines. Connor quickly agreed and made his way to med allowing Camille time to gather her things.

Camille looked around the apartment making sure she had everything. Cell, keys, staff ID. Happy she had everything Camille wrapped herself warmly in her scarf and coat, hopefully the Chicago winter would come to an end soon and she would be able to dress like a normal person rather than an eskimo.


The drive had been pleasant and Cammie enjoyed listening to the 80s and 90s radio station she had somehow found. Old music had been one of Camille's guilty pleasures, she often enjoyed belting out the tunes when she was in the apartment. Gabby had also been a fan of the music of this specific decade so it had occurred on more than one occasion that the two enjoy a gossip with the background notes to Eternal Flame.

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