Thinking Tree

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*A couple hours later still Muse's POV*

I woke up on the couch and looked around. None of the boys were in the room. I decided now would be a good time to think. I went to the door and grabbed my old blue vans and slipped them on and pulled my hair into a pony tail but left my bangs down. I opened the door and looked outside. Most taught ahead of me there was a perfect climbing tree. I ran to the tree and instantly began climbing it. I was pretty high up in the tree, I could see all around the log cabin. I saw all the boys gathering wood. "They must be having another bonfire." I said to myself. I got myself comfy on a thick branch and extended my legs out on the branch and laid my back against the vertical part of the tree. I looked up and saw it was getting somewhat dark. I let out a huge breathe and let my mind wonder. I knew that I had to leave for their safety but I felt like home here, even though it's only been a night. But I feel like a burden them, with all my needs and stuff. I don't want them hurt. The people who were searching for me have no idea where I am so I am safe for a day or two. I just don't know where to go, quite frankly I have no idea where I am. Mike shouting broke me from my thoughts. "SHE'S GONE!" He called out. I saw Vic run over to Mike and Jaime casually walked to them. They started talking low so I couldn't hear them due to the distance. I could faintly see their mouths moving but I can't read it. I figured I should leave the tree now and go back to them. I started my way down the tree and I heard footsteps coming towards the tree. I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly looked down to see if I could see anyone. "Muse what the hell are you doing up there?" Tony said. I jumped. "Bloody hell Tony!! Don't sneak up like that." I said back to him and continued my way down the tree. I didn't realize he was by the tree. I reached the last branch and Tony stuck out his arm and I grabbed it and jumped down. "Thank you." I said to him and brushed off Vic's boxers. "No problem. Were you up there the whole time?" Tony asked me while we continued our walk back to the house. "Yeah. I woke up and didn't see any of you guys so I figured might as well gather my thoughts and sitting in trees helps with that." I said truthfully looking at him. "Ohhh. That's why you left." Tony said sounding a bit relieved. I faintly smiled. The rest of the walk back to the house was silent but a comfortable silence. Tony opened the door and I was the first to walk in. "Muse!" Was al I heard before Mike and Vic tackled me in a hug. Tony started laughing. "Guys." Was all I could get out due to restricted airflow from how tight Mile and Vic were hugging me. "Oh sorry." Vic said as he loosened his grip on me and so did Mike. "Where were you?" Mike asked sitting down in the chair. "She was half way up a tree." Tony said randomly. I mouthed thank you to him since I didn't really want to explain again. "You climb trees?" Vic asked looking surprised. I just simply nodded as a reply and Jaime looked extremely confused.

*Mike's POV*

Vic and I felt extremely protective over Muse. There is just something about her. She's someone that you definitly don't want to lose. I have a feeling that there's something up but I don't know what. I don't want to lose her and I won't. When Vic asked me to go check on her and she wasn't there anymore I'm not going to lie it did scare me. I really don't know why it did. I've only known her for almost two days. But it seems longer. She is very closed off but I can see that she is very slowly coming out of her shell and is opening up. She obviously doesn't know that we are famous or she is amazingly good at hiding it. But she treats us like normal people and I really like that. She is so beautiful. What the hell Mike? Quit thinking that. But she is. Muse looked really uncomfortable. She had tree sap on her legs and some pine needles in her hair but she didn't seem to notice or she didn't care. "Would you like to take a shower?" I asked. "Would I be able to?" She asked looking at me, I saw her eyes light up. "Of course you can." I said with a chuckle. "Come on, I'll show where everything is." I said and held out my arm. She linked her arm with mine and I saw Vic eyeing us with one eyebrow raised. I decided to blow it off for now. I walked her down the hall way to my room and got her a sweat shirt since it was getting cold and then took her to Vic's room and have her a pair of his sweatpants since mine would be to big for her. I handed her the clothes and she smiled at me. Her smile made me smile back and I instantly felt my mood perk up. I walked her to the bathroom and grabbed her a towel. "Here you go." I said with a smile. "Thank you so much." Muse said and set the stuff down on the sink. "Anytime." I said with a smile. I turned around and pulled the door shut behind me. I began to walk down the hall until I heard Muse call my name. "Mike?" Muse called out. "Yes?" I said turning around. She had her head sticking out in the hallway. I began the few steps back to the bathroom. "Whatcha need?" I asked leaning against the door frame. "I can't reach the shampoo and conditioner.." She faintly said blushing and looking down at the floor. "Oh sorry! I should have remembered to get those down for you." I said while grabbing them from on top of the cabinet and putting them on the middle shelf so she could reach them. "Anything else?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "How do you work this shower?" I couldn't help but laugh. She started to blush again and I swear it was the cutest thing. What am I thinking?! "Like this." I showed her how to turn it on and off. "Thank you Mikes." She said and looked up at me. Her eyes were so beautiful. I realized I was starring and she was giving me a weird look. "Oh uhm sorry. I'll uhm a be in the living room if you need me!" I chocked out and quickly left the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Why did I get so nervous?! I trudged back to the living room and plopped down on the couch and let out a huge sigh. I pulled out a cigarette to help get my mind of things. I lit it up and inhaled the smoke into my lungs and leaned my head back and blew out the smoke and thought to myself, "Muse what are you doing to me?"

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