Black Veil Brides ~ Our New Family

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Black Veil Brides ~ Our New Family


Celeste's P.O.V

"Get up!" I open my eyes, squinting at the bright sun shining though my caged window. Another boring day of school and another gruelling day of work at the orphanage.

"Get up, now!" Yells the crabby, old Mrs Smith.

"I'm coming!" I yell back, "Just give me a minute!"

"I told you to get up ten minutes ago! Now get up!" She screeches at me.

"Fine, fine!" I mutter. Mrs Smith is the head mistress and caretaker at Bundaburg Boarding School for Orphaned Girls. The Boarding School is also my home. I've lived here since I can remember. All my life I've been under the ugly Mrs Smith's care. I'm 14 now and I plan on leaving very soon.

Mrs Smith won't tell me anything about my parents, and every time I ask she screams at me: "It's none of your business!" And tries to hit me with her cane. Out of all of the girls at the orphanage, Me and best friend Georgia, are the ones who has to do all the dirty work while the others eat ice cream and go to the movies. I'm pretty sure Mrs Smith does this on purpose, I don't know why though. Maybe its because she hates me and Georgia and that she favours the other girls because they suck up to her and we don't. I just don't know or care. If she wants to treat us like a slave and she owns me then feel I have the right to leave this place when I'm 15.

Anyways, back to reality. I roll out of my bed, purposely face planting on the floor. I drag myself up on to my knees, seeing that Georgia has already left for breakfast and continuing my first stretch of the morning. I get dressed, preparing myself for the mammoth task of brushing my hair. Ever since I was little, my hair never co-operated. No matter how much I brushed it, it still flopped out to the position it was in before. Once I'm done tidying myself up as much as I can, I head down to the dining room. Every where we go in this place, We are always welcomed by cold stares and harsh whispers these girls don't have the courage to say to my face.

I walk past all the whispering girls and take a seat next to Georgia, my best and only friend in this place.

"Good morning, Celeste!" She grins. She never smiles for anyone else here but me.

"Thank you Georgia. How are you anyways?" I smile a small smile, hoping she doesn't notice my eyes.

"I good, but what to you plan on doing this time? And don't lie to me 'cus I can see the "I'm going to do something stupid today!" Look in your eyes." Busted. Jeez, why couldn't I have hidden that better.

"We'll I might as well tell you. I'm going to ... Finish all my school work and do my chores!" I fall over laughing so bad it hurts. I can't even back up my own lies. Oh well.

"Girls! Your attention is on me now! Georgia! Celeste! Start collecting the dishes! You have work to do! Now off with you!" She screeches, giving us glares that could melt an iceberg.

"Crabby, old bat." I murmur under my breath. Georgia laughs. The troll ignores us. We collect and wash all the dishes, and I start thinking about all the possible escape roots out of this hell hole.

The main gates aren't an option, guarded with an army of cameras, no one can come or or without Mrs Smith knowing. Hmmm, maybe the trash chute, as a last resort though. I can't go through the windows, they have bars across them. "I have it! The delivery truck!" I jump. Georgia doesn't notice becuase shes got her earphones in, with Black Veil Brides pumping. Every week we have to unload the food delivery truck, moving boxes and stuff. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, the idea is so genius, no one would miss me until they needed me and by then We'd be long gone. Perfect. The next food delivery is on Friday, three days from now. We start doing the laundry, planning what and I plan I'm going to do and when I'm going to do it. Holy crap! I almost forgot about Georgia! I make a mental note to take her with me, remembering that I have to tell her the plan before then. I wonder if she'll join me? Or maybe she'll tell the ugly, old bat my plan and get me sent to the cops. No, she wouldn't do that to me, she wants to get out of here just as much as I do. Or does she?

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