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Namjoon: Age 21
Seokjin: Age 23

"What?! Tell me I did not just hear what I think I did!!"

Namjoon's dad yelled, getting up from the couch while his mother sat there, covering her mouth. Namjoon had finally decided to tell them he was bisexual, thinking it was about time since he had been dating Seokjin for awhile now. He even took him to his prom, without his parents knowing of course. Namjoon didn't know what reaction he expected from his parents. They never talked about being gay and lesbian and transgender or any of that, but Namjoon found out through the internet, and he thought it was amazing. But apparently, his parents didn't.

"D-Dad, calm down please."

He asked, but his father didn't sit back down and talk it out with him like he wanted him to. He walked up to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt, glaring daggers at him.

"Who are you to tell me to calm down?! I just found out my son is a fag, and you Expect me to CALM DOWN?!"

Namjoon couldn't look him in the eyes, he already knew he wouldn't see the kind eyes that shined when Namjoon brought home an A plus. The wise, old eyes that gave him advice on how to deal with others cruelty. He knew all he would find was a black, piercing glare of hatred. He looked over at his mom, pleading for her to help. But she didn't move. Here eyes were different too, and thats when Namjoon knew it was over. No more kind, sweet glances at him as he worked on his lyrics, no more nights where the movies they would watch reflected in her eyes as he looked over to see if he was enjoying the movie. No more playful glares and giggles as they baked cookies and cakes, always eating just a bit for a 'taste test.' It was all gone. That's when Namjoon's heart broke.

"You have until twelve pm tomorrow to be out of my house before I kick you out, understand? And we won't be feeding you, fag."

His dad said, dropping him and stomping to his room, slamming the door behind him. Namjoon crumbled to the ground, not daring to look up at his mother and see her disappointed stare. He heard light footsteps walk up to him and crouch next to him, grabbing his chin gently and making him look at her. He saw the tears on her face, and it felt like someone had twisted his heart and tore it in half. She just stared at him, neither of them knowing exactly what to say.

"I thought we raised you better, Namjoon. I really did."

She whispered, making Namjoon want to cry out. By he stayed silent, afraid his dad would come out of his room and say more.

"Well. You better get packing. Goodbye, sweetie."

She said quietly, and kissed his forehead gently. She then stood up and left, just like his father did only quieter. It wasn't until he heard their door slightly close that he broke down, crying loudly and curling up into a ball. He stayed there for what felt like hours, crying and wailing until his throat was sore and his tears could no longer flow. He got up, dragging himself to his old room, taking out the suitcase he had under his bed. He started putting everything he could fit in there, trying so hard not to look at the pictures he had of him and his mother, father and sister as he packed. He looked at his equipment he had for making tracks, his mind automatically remembering when he told his parents he wanted to be a rapper and how overjoyed they were. Tears welled up in his eyes again, and he wiped them quickly, grabbing the cases he had for his equipment and putting them in carefully. He pulled out his phone once he put everything he wanted to take in his suitcases, calling Seokjin. He didnt realize it was late already until Seokjin picked up.

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