Chapter 3- Oh shit.

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"Thank you, Mrs. Holleck." The officer spoke calmly as she gave him a fake smile.
I internally sighed.
My mother and father stand up, motioning that it's time to leave.
My mothers high heeled boots make those horrible clicking noises against the ground, a sound that repulses me so much. I never understood why people wore high heels. They're  hideous, uncomfortable shoes. I recall my first memories with those high boots she's wearing. I was only five. I was playing dress up in her closet and slipped 'em on. I rolled my ankle and fell over. From then on, I vowed to only wear sneakers.
I'm taken aback from my flashback as I hear the car doors shut. I buckle my seatbelt and stare out the window contemplating what exactly was gonna happen next.
"Charged with one account of a petty crime and evading. For a fucking pizza, Nykki?"
My father spoke angrily.
I sigh. "I'm sorry dad.." I say. What the fuck else am I supposed to say? "Oh, I mean I was really hungry dude hahaha"
I'm just afraid that they'll take away my guitar.
"Oh bullshit Nykki Kathryn!" My mother yells. I wince as I continue listening to them drone on.
"It's those goddamned boys you've been hanging out with! Have we not taught you right from wrong?! You were NOT raised like this Nykki Kathryn Holleck. " My mother shouts.
I swear to god,
My parents are such hypocrites. Obviously what I did wasn't cool. But.. why did I do it?
I sigh.
I don't know anymore.
The car pulls up into a driveway which fills my ears with the familiar cracks of rubble and stone being pushed down by our tires.
I get out of the car, and see that it's pretty late. A quarter moon sticks up high in the sky, with a familiar bright planet near it. Venus. My favorite planet.
On normal nights I would sit in the cold grass in the warm summer night breeze watching the stars. They fascinate me. The way Venus sparkled completely enticed me, but tonight was not one of those nights.
I step inside with my head hung in shame.
"Sit at the table." My mom says sternly.
I pull out the wooden chair and sit down, slumping in my seat. I put my elbow on the table and rested my head on my hand.
"I cannot believe you Nykki Kathryn. We raised you better than this. Especially a petty crime! You're so lucky your grandfather is an officer. If we weren't such close mates with everyone in that building, there'd be a lot more serious consequences." My father says.
"I'm so disappointed, I can't even look at you right now." Mom says while running her hands through her hair.
Jesus. I guess never do fucked shit unless you know for sure you won't get caught.
I stood there in silence, not knowing what to say.
"Go to your goddamn room." My Dad says.
I get up, push in my chair and walk to my room. I gently close the door then flop on my bed.
"I'm a fucking idiot." I whisper to myself as a few tears fall from my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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