Chapter 1: The Meetup.

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I walked to the studio quickly.
Pacing my steps as I made my way across the sidewalk. The wind was blowing nicely. It was a gorgeous may morning, and I did not want to take it for granted. Fortunately, Johnny said that he wanted to meet up today, and that he had something important to tell. Whether it was bad or good, I was happy to have something to do so the day wasn't wasted.
I reached the studio, and headed to the back.
I knocked on the window, waiting for a response.
I didn't like going to the front because it was too much work, and the people at the front would ask questions and make me go through hell just to go chill out with my friends in their studio.
I saw a familiar face poke his head out. I smiled. It was Johnny. He opened up the window, inviting me inside. I hopped over the windowsill, and was greeted by the rest of the band.
Except.. Glen wasn't there..?
I brushed it off and sat down next to them.
I heard a welcoming chorus of "hey nick"'s and "Sup danger."'s.
I sat close to Johnny, as I always did.
I greeted the band and then remembered what I had came here for in the first place.
"So, there's something we needed to tell you about, Nick." Paul said with a soft voice.
"Is it bad?" I asked, slightly concerned.
"No, no no. Well, yes.. But, I don't know." Paul replied.
I sighed.
"What is it? And why isn't glen here?"
I spoke, annoyed.
"Well.. that's the thing." Steve added
"You see, Glen left the band." Johnny said, making the confusion in my brain go down.
I was slightly happy, as Glen and I didn't really get along that well.
"Thank GOD!" I said.
They laughed.
"Doesn't this mean you guys are.. Breaking up?! How is the band gonna go on without a bassist??" I questioned, very concerned.
"Well, we h-
Johnny started, but was then interrupted by the door swinging open, showing a tall, slender, punk, almost hot looking guy.
He wore a chain with a lock around his neck, and was wearing a red shirt with a swastika on it. He covered up his shoulders and arms with a black leather jacket, and spiked hair.
"Fucking twats up front. Didn't think I was the new bassist. Fuck 'em."
"Yeah.. This is our new bassist, Sid Vicious."
I stared in awe at how.. Stereotypical he looked.
"Hey mate. My name is Sid."
Oh dear.

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