Nate's big adventure!

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Nate's POV

(Nate never had a POV)

I woke up early and put on a bright pink shirt, because it's normal... For me at least.

"Nate! Hurry up!" My brother said banging on the door. I quickly got dressed, put on my rainbow backpack, and walked/ran to school. School, its always pretty normal to me. If it wasn't for these crazy people,





My first period was math class, in which I had with Jay. He was always sitting next to Carmen, so I never really got a chance to sit with them. I glance at him without even knowing why or how I keep doing so... repeatedly. He caught at of my glances and instantly my face became bright red and I turned away as fast as I could.

"You like him don't you...?" A guy said next to me.

"Woah!!! Henry!? When did you get here?" I said scared out of my mind.

"I've been here since last week, I kinda changed classes once I thought I had a chance with Jay," Henry said scratching his head and giving a goofy smile.

"Whats it to you?" I said trying my hardest to focus on my work.

"He's taken, both of us don't have a chance," Henry said as I kept on blushing and doing my work.

"So your single right?" Henry said flipping his hair to the right, making me look up to him.

"Well...umm...yeah," I said blushing even more than I already was.

"Wanna start a singles club!?" He said ruining the moment and shouting so the whole class could hear us. Out of curiosity of coarse they turn there heads and were ALL awaiting my answer.

"Sure...?" I answered confusingly as the bell rang and we had to go to our next class.

"Yeah! I had a hard time finding people to join so I'm glad you did," Henry said bringing up the most embarrassing moment of my life, once again.

"Okay, fine. Just give me a sheet of paper of when I have to go to the stupid thing," I said rolling my eyes as he did a little 'fist pump' in the air.

"No worries I made like, a hundred copies!" Henry said looking through his backpack and pulling out a piece of paper. Did he just say a HUNDRED papers!?!? I don't even think there's that many single students here in this whole high school much less 1st years!

"A hundred papers!?" I mini-screamed at him as he nodded and gave that goofy smile again.

"A hundred papers!" Henry said excitedly running up to Alexia and Spike ( who became like best buddies ). I followed Henry and stood behind him while he talked to them.

"I got a person to join! You loose the bet. Now you both have to sign up," Henry said as I realize I've just been used.

"Who signed up?" Spike said not believing it and crossing his arms along with Alexia.

"Nate," Henry said stepping to the left and unveiling me.

"Is it bad I totally forgot about you?" Spike said as Alexia elbowed him in the arm.

"That hurts!" Spike said rubbing his arm where Alexia hit him.

"Shaddup," Alexia said causing me and Henry to chuckle.

"I'll sign up I guess, a bet is a bet," Spike said signing his name under mine. Then Alexia did the same and Spike and her went on to their class.

"What is a singles club anyway?" I asked.

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