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Alexia's POV

"Bye dad!" I said walking out to walk to school.

"Alexia!" He screamed, making me turn around to see what he was yelling about.

"What?" I mumbled, he just ruined my good mood.

"Where are you going after school???" He asked, me thinking over wether or not I should tell him.

"Prison,"I answered calmly, hoping he wouldn't freak out.

"Prison? Alexia, what did you do now?" He asked, offending me.

"Nothing! It's for a program I got in," I answered rolling my eyes.

"I'll trust you... Who's picking you up to go to prison?" He asked, still questioning me.

"The bus, I got to go I'm gonna be late," I answered leaving without saying goodbye (since I already did). I walked to school and it flew by.


"What up people!" Henry said sitting at the 'singles table' with me and everyone else.

"The galaxy," I answered sarcastically.

"You know most people would've said the sky, like a normal person," Spike said to me, his eyes glaring.

"Do I look like a normal person?" I said making a duck face (to prove my point, of course).

"Nope," he said, me and him chuckling.

"Sorry I can't come," Andy said to Henry, looking kinda sad.

"It's alright dude, we still have me, Alexia, Spike, and Nate to go," Henry said giving his goofy smile.

"Alright," Andy answered throwing away the rest of his lunch and leaving, along with Anthony and Bob.

"I can't wait till the trip!" Henry said enthusiastically.

"I guess it'd be cool," Spike shrugged.

"The idea of a singles club wasn't so bad after all," I said making Henry have a cocky grin slapped across his face.

"Sorry guys..." Nate said ruining every ones mood.,, REALLY NATE!?

"Sorry about what?" Henry asked, his smile replaced with an arched eyebrow.

"I can't go to prison today," Nate said, me just realizing how odd our conversation is.

"That sucks balls! Why cant you come?!" Henry whined.

"Sucks balls?" Spike questioned (But everyone ignored him).

"I have too much homework," Nate said, his expression on his face clearly saying 'I know its lame, but its true -.-'.

"You are sooo lame," I pointed out, Spike trying his best to hold back laughing out loud.

"I know..." Nate replied.

"We better get back to class or we'll be late," Spike said throwing his lunch and slowly being followed by everyone else.

After school :P

"what if they kill us," Spike said wide-eyed giving me and Henry negative thoughts.

"I don't think there gonna kill us, are they?" I replied getting on the bus and taking a seat.

"I hope not..." Henry said sitting the bus seat next to me and Spike.

"O.K. where are we suppose to go anyway???" Spike asked Henry.

"The dean of the prison school." Henry answered.

"Why don't we sing songs, were suppose to be riding in this think for 30 minutes anyway." I suggested, both Henry and Spike giving me mean faces for even suggesting it.

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