The Future

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"Yo, Carmen?" A sleepy voice said trying to wake me up.

"Huh?" I said yawning and rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning," He said as I slowly opened my eyes only to see his sleepy, smiling face.

"Morning," I said getting up from the bed and taking off my pajamas only to realize I didn't bring any other spare clean clothes. Jay was behind me putting on his clothes, it's only Tuesday after all. 3 more weeks until schools over. I was getting cold so I went back to Jay's bed to snuggle up to the blanket.

"Carmen?" Jay asked, fully clothed already.

"Whaaaaat?" I said not wanting to get up from the bed.

"Put on some clothes," He said throwing an outfit towards me. I got up from the bed and started putting on Jay's clothes that he SO NICELY threw at me. I finally had them all on and realized they were way to big on me. It's to the point I looked like a steareotypical pot head. Once Jay saw me he started chuckling at how ridiculous I looked.

"What?" I asked him, giving him a mean look.

"Nothing, you look cute..." He lied. I could tell because he was still laughing at me.

"Shut up," I said looking through his clothes to find smaller ones.

"We could wear matching outfits," He said getting a shirt out of his closet. It was exactly the same as the one he had on, just smaller.

"Why do you-" I started asking before he cut me off " I really like the shirt and that one didn't fit me anymore." I went along with it and put on the shirt, which was my size oddly. Then he thew smaller pants and I put them on.

"Thanks." I whispered.

He didn't catch what I said because he replied, "What did you say?"

"Thanks," I said a bit louder as he rushed over to me to hug me.

"What was that for?" I asked while he was still hugging me non stop.

"YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING IN THIS PLANET!" He screamed carrying me out the door and letting me go when we were out of the house. We decided to start walking to school from now on so we don't have to be bothered by Henry and them, and so that we can have more time together.

"Can you believe we're gonna be graduating our 1st year in just 3 weeks?" Jay asked daydreaming as we started walking.

"Yeah," I replied, "Jay?"

"Yeah Carmen?"

"What are you gonna do once we graduate from high school?" I asked as we started walking.

"I don't know yet... I'm still hyped about the graduation ceremony in 3 weeks after all," He replied smiling.

"Do you have any plans?" I asked wondering what our futures held for us.

"No...Not yet at least. It seems so far away. Everyone else knows though," He said looking off into the sky as if in a daze.

"'Everyone else?' What do you mean?"

"Henry's gonna be a huge football play along with Chad, you're probably gonna be in the band with Spike still, Davi (the odd kid that sits next to him in writing class) wants to be an artist, and Alexia is a singer... Meanwhile I'm here with nothing to do with my life," he explained, although I could think of millions of things he could do.

"I know what you can do with your life!" I said coming up with a whole bunch of ideas.

"What?" He asked chuckling, I knew I caught his attention because he was looking straight at me.

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