Unlikely meetings

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"So, there's a new kid?" Jack Frost said as he blithe and grinned with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Jamie nodded among with the other kids "yeah, I don't know where he came from. But he's staying at Officer Jerry's place."

Jack glanced at the small group curiously "have you met this guy yet?"

Monty shook his head "Nope. Not yet."

Jack felt his curiosity grow within him. With nothing better to do, he shrugged "Well then, let's go met this "Danny" person."

. . .

Danny gave the group of children all a calculating and curious look as he opened the door. As casually as he could, Danny covered the masses of scares on his neck with his new black sweater. Even though it covered it on its own just fine. "Err, hello?"

Much to Danny's both discomfort and amusement, all the children then had fits of mischievous giggles. Almost as if they knew something he didn't.

A ten-year-old boy with brown hair that looked very familiar was the first to step forward. "um, hey. I'm Jamie Bennett." Danny smiled at that, no wonder the boy or "Jamie" looked so familiar. Jamie turned around to face his friends and gestured to each one of them as he told Danny their names.

"This is Cupcake"

A stocky and intimidating girl with a pink tutu waved her hand "hi."

Jamie pointed to another girl with blond hair with a rosy hat "This is Pippa."


"That dude over there is Claude"

A kid with dark curls of hair put his frigid hands into his rich blue coat pockets "Hey man."

Finally, Jamie pointed to two nearly identical boys "Last but certainly not least, the twins, Caleb and Monty"

Monty pushed up his glasses up to the bridge of his red nose "um, hello?"

Caleb shifted his Jacket to find a better way to block the cold " W-Whaz up."

Danny looked as though he was about to say something, but stopped himself as he saw a lone silver haired teen balancing miraculously well on the crook of a shepherds' staff. Danny faintly wondered if the teen was in some strange cosplay.

But even if the unusual teen was, Danny couldn't deny how otherworldly the other seemed. The guy seemed to almost blend in with the snow now falling in wild flurries around them, especially since fragments of frost seemed to nearly hypnotically cling, grow and shift on his blue hoody. How the teen's nearly impish fetchers were apparent even as his mischievous grin turned into one of bemusement as he suddenly dropped the snowball (that seemed suspiciously aimed at Danny) in his left hand.

Danny looked back at Jamie "Alright, thanks" Danny then gestured his head towards the mysterious blue boy "but who's that?"

Jamie, confused, tried to look at who Danny meant "You mean Pippa? I thought I already told you-"

Danny shook his head "no, I know who she is. I mean the guy behind her."

The children's' all-knowing smirks suddenly seemed to drop into pure shock. The silver hair boy, before oh-so-carefully balanced on his staff suddenly crashed to the ground with his eyes full of disbelief.

Danny's eyes widen as he raced over, effortlessly dodging and jumping over the children crowding his doorway to help the teen up "Are you ok?!"

As Danny grabbed the boy's hand to help him up, he blinked in a subtle surprise. The teens hand was surprisingly frigid. While every other person he came close to burned almost painfully in a radiance of warmth, the teens frigorific presents felt bizarrely... comfortable.

And his eyes. For a second, Danny swore that he had to remind himself to breathe. The other teen's eyes were an electric brandeis blue. Looking at the other boy, Danny felt something rushed from the tip of his toes to his head. It was like the drop off a roller coaster.

Except for it being only a mere few and wild seconds, the feeling stayed.

This, however, did not help Danny as the other boy looked at him as if he committed some sort of idiosyncrasy like akin to growing two heads.

As uneasiness rose into unfamiliar levels within him, Danny tore away his gaze. He ignored a strange twinge of regret as he grabbed the other teen's staff and handed it to him. "I think you dropped this. Or, more accurately, it dropped you?"

The paled hair teen, however, barely responded as he gaped at Danny.

Danny looked down to see if he had anything strange on his sweater or his grey sweat pants. He also did a very careful job of hiding his scars and what not. As far as Danny could tell, he looked fine.

He looked back to see if the kids could tell him what was wrong. But before he could even open his mouth, Danny could already see that they fared no better than Jack.

Danny could feel uncomfortably moist sweat trickle down his forehead. He suddenly had the very. Strong. urge to go back inside and pretended that this never happened.

But as he looked back at the blue-eyed teen, Danny didn't even have the time to step back to regain his balance as the wind toppled him over to his back and on his forearms as it screamed in his ears.

Then just like that, the silver haired boy was gone.

Danny's jaw dropped. And rightfully so. He didn't even notice the crisp snow soaking onto his clothes "Did- did that guy just FLY away?!"

The kids looked at each other, searching one another for a way to answer this series of bizarre events "umm..."

Jamie was the first to properly respond (somewhat) "yeah. Uh. Itwasreallynicemeetingyoubutwegottago BYE!"

And like that, the children were gone as well. Leaving Danny thoroughly bewildered in the snow.

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