Chapter 1.

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"HUNTER!" I yell as I am trying to get him back for hitting me in the face with whip cream. He starts laughing and I eventually get to him. I jump on his back and say "GOT YA NOW!" His face is smeared with the creamy whipped cream and all he's doing is smiling.
"Haha , good job." He says as he's trying to play it cool in front of me.
Hunter has always been like this. He's always happy and trying to be in the best mood possible because he always says "What's a good day if you haven't done something extraordinary yet.?" This was his something extraordinary.
"Hey , um so I didn't do the math homework yet.." He says. And before he can even finish I say "You want the answers?"
He nods. "I know , I know , I owe you one , Linds."
I smile. "Yeah this has been what , the fourth time this month.? But who's counting." I laugh.
"Haha ! Very funny. I know , I owe you one. Okay , maybe a few , but hey! That's what friends are for." He says very happily.
"Fine. Come upstairs with me."
My bedroom is a decent sized space , so whenever Hunter stays over , he sleeps in my big bean bag bed on the floor.
As he is copying the homework , he says "God , L I wish I was as smart as you. You make it seem so easy."
"Really?" I ask. "I'm not that smart.. I try my best. But I'm definitely not as smart as your saying I am."
"Whatever you say.. I'm just saying I'm struggling in the advance classes as it is , but your in the highest honors classes. That's pretty impressive to me."
"Thanks , I guess." I say.
"Your welcome." He replies.
After about an hour , he's done copying the math homework. We are chilling in my room when he says
"L , I was thinking... Do you maybe want to go on tour with me.? Like not preform , but come with me.? I think you'd like it a lot."
"I'd like to. I'm sure my parents would be alright with it , but when is it?" I ask.
"It starts next month and then we are going somewhere in Arizona , then Florida , California , Columbus Ohio , New York , and and then Toronto , Canada."
"That would be so cool.! I'd be going to different cities with my best friend."
"AND you might even get a guy out of it." He says laughing.
"Shut up , Bryce." I say.
"Damn you , MARIE.!"
"But for real , even if I do MEET a guy he would have to live up to your standards too. Not just mine because your literally the most overprotective person I've ever met." I say truthfully.
"Well , that's because you haven't met a lot of people." He says smiling.
"Haha , good one!" I say.
Hunter looks at the clock and realizes it's really late.
"I better get home."
"Alright." I say.
Hunter helps me off of the floor and I give him a hug. He kisses my head like he always does and says "I'll see you , Lindsey Marie Taylors." He says with a smile.
"Same with you , Hunter Bryce Rowland." As I smile back at him.
He leaves and I get ready for bed. I get a shower and put my hair in two French braids. I'm watching Teen Wolf when my mom comes in. She says "Lindsey Marie , you have to get up early tomorrow for that doctor's appointment. It's already 10:30!"
"I know , I know." I say very annoyed. "I haven't told Hunter.." I say.
"Why not , sweetie? He's your best friend. I'm sure if you would've , he would've came with us.
"I know , I just didn't want him to worry or anything."
"I know it seems scary , but I think it will be fine. We still don't know if it's what they are saying it is."
"But , mom .. What if it is?"
"Then we will figure it out , together." She says.
"I don't want to be sick.." I say.
"Don't think like that. I think this weight loss is just a phase."
"I hope so." I say.
"Go to sleep. Your welcome to invite Hunter if you want , just tell him to be here tomorrow at 8:00."
I nod. "Love you , goodnight. Tell dad too for me."
"I will. Love you too. Goodnight." She says and shuts the door.
I take out my phone and text Hunter.
Hey . Can you come to the doctor's with me and my mom in the morning?
Read at 10:36 p.m
Yeah! Of course. Should I be worried?
No. of course not. Be here by 8.
Read at 10:37  p.m
Okay. Until tomorrow morning , Marie.
I'll see you , Bryce.
Read at 10:38 p.m
I smile after I read the last text and get up and brush my teeth. After that , I fall asleep.
Hello loves! This is my new book , "The Boy Next Door" ! I'm really excited for this one!!! I had the idea to make this book sort of based off of the movie , "Love , Rosie" because it's so amazing! It won't be the same exactly , but it will have some similarities. I hope this isn't the exact same thing I've been writing because I don't want it to be , but stay tuned for more! Thanks :) - Karlie

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