First Day of School

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January 30th
Quinn got up, got dressed, and headed down stairs for breakfast. Her father was making pancakes, and maple flavored bacon.
Which was her favorite breakfast, next to crapes and farm fresh eggs.
She finished her breakfast, said "HOLY CRAP! It's 8:50! I have to be there in 10 minutes. Dad can you drive me?"
"Sorry Quinn I can't but I did make your lunch." said her father.
"Ok thanks dad."
Grabbing her lunch and her backpack and running out the door. She had 9 minutes to get there. She was running as fast as she could hearing a truck coming up behind her. Quinn being the clomsy girl that she is, slips on the ice falling directly on her back. Making her get the wind knocked out of her. The persone that was in the truck gets out to come to her aid and helps her up. It was Michael.
He said "Are you ok? Do you need a ride to school?"
Quinn knoted because she could barely breath. Michael helps her into the truck. Katching her breath finally said
"Thank you."
he chuckles " no problem. This day has come to a great start. No?"
They arrived at the school 3 minuts late.
"Look who decided to come to school today. You must be Quinn. Would you like to say a couple words to the class? Not just lame thing like your favorite colour or your favorite animal. No, actual TRUE facts about you. Yes I'm looking at you Zack."
The class laughs.
"I'll have a talk with you young man after class." said Miss. Johnson.
Quinn clears her throat, still soar from the fall, and sais
"My name is Quinn Hazelle, I'm from Saskatchewan, I play ringette, soccer, badminton, and baskette ball, but sadly me being 5'3" I'm too short to play competitively."
The class chuckles.

During lunch Quinn sat at a table by herself. A person sits down across from her.
"Hi my name is Orion. You're Quinn right?" said Orion.
"Yeah." said Quinn.
"Ok good. Because you see that guy over there?" said Orion pointing at Mickael.
"He has been stairing at you the entire time since you sat down in that chair. Girl you should go talk to him. He's the second cutest boy in the entire school. Beacaus" Orion chuckles "see that guy that is sitting across from him?"
"Yeah? What about him?" Quinn asked.
"That dude is one of Mickael's best friends, Thomas. And I've heard that he is gay, but no one has anything to proove it." said Orion.
"No way! You have... You have a crush on him?" Quinn whispered.
Orion knotted. Suddenly a voice came out of nowhere
"What nonsense is Orion putting in your head? I'm Elizabeth by the way." Elizabeth sat down beside her.
"There is no such thing as nonsense coming out of this mouth, only truth and the greatness of man, if you catch my drift."
Quinn and Elizabeth both laugh. "Quinn that dude over there keeps on starring at you." said Elizabeth.
"We know, I already told her." Orion said.
"Did you tell her about Thomas?" Elizabeth asked. "Yes."
"Of course you did. Sooner or later everyone is gonna know about you liking that fagget!" Elizabeth laughed. "How many time have I told you not to call him that!" Orion shouted.
An anonymous person in the lunch lounge shouted
"Not again!"
Elizabeth and Orion star verbally fighting. Quinn jumps in the middle of them.
Orion shouts
"Quinn! Stay out of this!"
"No! I'm not gonna let you guys tear each other apart."
Elizabeth,and Orion storm off in their separate ways. The whole lounge start to applaud her. A couple of girls walk up to her and say
"No one has ever had the guts to jump in between the two of them before. You would be the first. I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess. This is Christean you can call her Christy."

Orion has black short hair, green eyes, little chubby, and on the shorter side.
Elizabeth has dirty blond long hair, greyish blue eyes, and is very tall.
Jessica has reddish brown strait hair, brown eyes, pail white skin, and also has a lisp.
Christean has an orangish, blond extremely curly hair, greenish yellow eyes, darker toned skin, she is slightly taller than Quinn, and she is a mute.

After lunch there is a spare time. Quinn makes sure that she is not being followed and goes into the musice room. Now this isn't any music room, this music room has a studio aswell. She forgot to turn the audio off so that no one could hear her from inside the box. She began to sing and she was so into the music that she didn't even notice the person that was listening to her. After Three songs, she saw a person outside the window. She couldn't see them properly because of the reflection from the light on the window.
She opened the door of the box and saw no one there. Was she going crazy or did she actually see somone?

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