A Party?

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After the bell rang, Quinn started to walk home. Ontil she heard a voice behind her call her name. It was Michael. Driving his big blue truck.
"Need a ride?" he said.
"No thanks I'm fine." she replied.
"Come on you don't want to freeze do you?" he said insistingly. "Alright, I tell you what. You get in the truck and I'll invite you to a party this weekend, and I'll even take you. That's if you get in the truck of cource." he hinted
Quinn gets into the truck. Both Quinn and Michael are trying to hide the excitement on their faces.

"So how was your day?" he said.
"It was good. You?" she replied
"Aside from all the teachers trying to tame me. It was ok." he chuckled.
Quinn smiled and said.
"Why did you want me to get into your truck so badly?" She said with a smile.
"You caught that huh?"
She replied with a smile. "Sweety a persone with half a brain could've caught that."
Michael laught and said "Honestly, I just wanted to see the look on my friends faces."
"Why? And is that really why?" she asked.
"Because they didn't believe me that I gave you a ride to school. And no. No it isn't." he said
"Then what is it?" she asked with a chuckle.
"I wanted to invite you to the party that is going on this weekend." he replied.
"Why me?" she asked.
"Well... it would.... give you... the chance to get to know.... other people. And I kinda... didn't want to go alone." he replied with a shiness in his voice.
"Oh I see. And one more question."
"Shoot" he said with a confident voice.

"What kind of party is this?" she asked.
"Well there will be older kids there."
"How much older?" she asked.
"Oldest will probably be 12th graders which means there's going to be alcohol." he said.
"Oh I don't know if my parents will let me go if there's alcohol; and I can't lie to them." she replied with a worry in her voice.
"They don't need to know that you are gone." he replied with a grin.
"How?" she asked.
"Do you have a latter on your balcony?" he asked.
"Yeah? Why would-- ohhh." she replied.
She asked him "Are you sure it will work?"
"I'm sure. Don't worry I do it all the time." flaping his hand by his wrist with a sureness in his voice.

He pulls into his drive way and shuts the truck off.

"Thank you for driving me to and from school today." she chuckled.
"No problem." he replied with a smile.
"Better then walking in the freezing cold, Right?"

She smiles and gets out of the truck. Walking around the truck to go to her place she slips on the ice that is beside the driveway. Luckily this time he ketches her.
"Good thing I have fast reflexes." he said with a smile looking at her straight in the eyes.
Braking the stare she says "Thank you you have no idea how much that hurt this morning."
"Oh I could take a guess" while still holding her arm putting her back on her feet and walking her to the front door of her house.
"Again thank you" she replied with the sincerness in her voice.
"Again no problem." he replied with a smile.

She opend the door and walked and gently closing it behind her. Then looking threw the window watching him walk away.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" she shouted.
She walked into the kitchen finding her mother crying.
"Mom? What's wrong?" kneeling at her feet gabbing her by the hands.

Again I wanted to apologize for all my grammare and spelling mistakes. Please excuse me.

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