the start of the journey chapter 5

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Thank you to everyone who has been reading my book.

I do not own any of the characters apart from Zara.

Zara was woken up by the sound of snoring, how she hated the sound of it. She attempted to sit up but couldnt for Fili and Kili had wrapped there arms around her very tightly. Sshe then heard someone laughing in her room she tried her best to lift her head but she couldnt. "Damn it" she said to herself realising that the sun wasnt even out yet.

"Would you like me to wake them up for you lassie?" Bofur asked.

"That would be great thanks are we leaving?" Zara asked.

"Yes we are best not disturb Bilbo anymore" he said sadly.

"Fili Kili get up!!!" He then yelled but neither moved.

"Are they always like this" Zara asked.

"Sadly yes they are always hard to wake up but they dont normally have someone in between them" Bofur grinned as he talked. This made Zara blush. Bofur tried a few more thing s to wake them up but they wouldnt budge.

"Dwalin get in here" Bofur yelled with that the two sat up faster then a bean in a bottle. This made Zara laugh, Fili and Kili looked at each other and realised they both had there arms around Zara they both slightly blushed then let her go and jumped out of the bed to get ready.

Zara got dressed into a white blouse, black pants, a brown jacket and a black cloak. Black is Zaras favorite colour. She brushed he hair into a pony tail with a braid going around her head, she then packed a bag with spare cloths bedding etc. Zara walked over to her weapons cupboard she was going all out with her weapons you never know when you could need them.

By the end she had 8 daggers hidden, two swords and her bow and arrows she even hid some weapons in her bag. She took one last look at Bilbo the hobbit that had raised her then left.

Zara mounted the horse that had carried her here that many years ago, even though she was short she taught herself how to ride.

Kili came up next to her and started talking to her.

"How long have you had a horse I've always wanted to learn how to ride one?" he asked.

"Shes been with me since the day I came to Bilbos and maybe I could teach you to ride if you promise me to give me lesson with shooting I want to improve and from what I here you are quite skilled " Zara replied smiling.

Kili blushed at the comments "I would love to its a deal" he said holding out his hand and Zara gladly shook it.

"I bet you 50 coins Bilbo wont show up" Bombor yelled im the distance to Kili. "Oh your so on" he replied.

"So do you think Bilbo will come?" whispered Fili to Zara.

"Of course I do" she laughed at him.

"Then its a bet" Fili said proudly.

"Yes a bet your gunna loose" Zara yelled happily shaking Filis hand.

In the end Fili, Dori, Bifur, Bombor, Nori,Dwalin and Oin bet Bilbo wouldnt come and Kili, Balin,Ori, Gloin, Bofor, Gandalf and Zara bet he would, Thorin never did he thought it was a waste of time.

The sun was now fully risen and Bilbo hadnt shown up Zara was getting ready to give Fili the momey feeling really sad when "Wait, wait I signed it" Bilbo yelled. Zara smiled at him as he handed the contract to Balin,

"everything seems to be in order welcome Mr . Baggins in the company of Thorin Oakenshield and company" Balin smiled.

"Someone get him a pony!" Thorin yelled. Bilbo beggan to protest but before he finished Fili and Kili came up from behind and lifted him onto it. Zara felt so sorry for him he looked so orquad. Momey started being thrown around Zara looked at Fili and he reluctantly gave her the money.

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