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My heart is swollen with the tears I've kept inside,
but if it's for you, I'll be alright.

If I can't see you anymore
I won't see anything else clearly
The path I walk is dark
Whether or not I open my eyes

I want to hold you, I want to love you
until I'm assured that my feelings won't ever change
I'm willing to lose all my wishes, just to have one person.
I only want this wish to come true
when it's you, I'll be thankful.

가슴 아파도

(Even though my heart breaks)
Fly to the Sky


The paramedics got there on time



After donating blood for Hoseok, Yoongi sat down and waited to hear some news.

Yoongi tried to call all the guys again but none of them answered their phone. Lastly, he called the company which right away Bang PD-nim was on a flight back from an important meeting in Japan.

He's been waiting for 2 hours by himself and still unable to get any news about Hoseok.

Incoming call from... Kook 🐰

'Hello' yoongi said softly

'You called hyung'


'Whats up?'

'Come to Gangnam hospital... Hoseok is in the hospital' yoongi said trying to hold back his tears

'What! Is he okay? What happened?' Jungkook said panicking

'I prefer to tell you in person... I still haven't gotten any information on how he's doing...'

'Okay, hyung were on our way!'


Once the call ended he started to cry again prying for Hoseok to be fine.

"Family members of Jung Hoseok" the doctor spoke

"Yes," yoongi said standing up and wiping away his tears

"Hello, I'm Dr. Choi Siwon. Let's go to somewhere more private for what am about to tell you" yoongi nodded

Once they got to a quiet place Dr. Choi started to explain that they saved him just on time and thanking him for donating

But Dr. Choi has terrible news one that will break yoongi's heart

"Thank goodness he's fine, but why do you need to talk to me privately?"

" what am about to tell you will be hard to process.... but it seems like Mr. Jung was raped and abused multiple times. We saw that he had hand prints around his neck also bruises all over his body. Do you know anything about this?"

Yoongi couldn't believe what he was hearing rape and abused. Someone raped Hoseok.

"No, I did not know... I just found him in the bathtub covered in blood and the water running..he just told me he wanted to disappear. I was so focused on saving him that I failed to notice" yoongi said letting his tears fall

Loving You -  YOONMINWhere stories live. Discover now