January 26th, 2017

2 0 0


How to read is easy. Words in bold on the right (like this)

and words that are not in bold and on the left

Like this

is the actual poem. Sorry it does not rhyme

and sorry sounding really weird with the flow or whatever...


Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


Watch an episode on Netflix

Something in the show

Reminds me of things

I have to put away things I bought today

Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


New tampons remind me of stores

And how lite tampons are hard to find

8 lite, 16 regular, 8 super

In one box

Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


What if I request them at stores

Or just order online

Social anxiety and all

I'll order them online

Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


Placed order

Confirm order

Sees coupons I could've used

Print off tons of coupons for tampons

Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


It's nearly 3 a.m.

And I just want to talk to someone

All I want is to chat or text or watch Netflix

Why won't people reply?

(I wouldn't mind cuddling)

Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


Oh yes

It's nearly 3 a.m.

They're asleep

Do I want to sleep?

Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


No, I'm hungry

Not tired

Ritz crackers

Stash in my room is almost out

Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


Go to kitchen

What do I want to eat?

There's nothing

Oh! Beef jerky

Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


Back in my room

Eating beef jerky

I grabbed too much beef jerky

And I forgot the Ritz

Breath all the way out

Deeply breath in

Soft white clouds


Go find Ritz crackers

(Oh yeah. If I had taken 10 hits in the span of time it

takes to read this poem, I would be so f**king stoned

If you know what I'm saying

Heh heh *wink wink nudge nudge*)

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