Chapter 27: A Drunk Thanksgiving Party/End of November

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Carl's P.O.V.

I'm drinking my third bottle of beer in the living room while Ryan is sitting next to me watching the news and Johnny was simply just playing with his Nintendo on the floor. Wow, they still keep making those Gameboys and stuff all these years despite being old-fashioned. But all's well that ends well for us.

"... And so, with great sadness, we say goodbye to Christopher Moseley, one of Illinois's greatest fur with extraordinary Talent that could offer the world in classical music and literature, who has passed away last night at Chicago Memorial Hospital around midnight. May his soul rest in peace."

"WHAT?! NOOOOOO!!! NOT MY CHRIS MO~O~OSELEEEYYY!!!" Ryan shouted as he stood up and fell crying hysterically on the floor. Okay, maybe not all's well that ends well for him right now.

"Gee, you're a fan of that guy?" Johnny spoke, clearly annoyed by his brother's mourning. "No wonder why I see all those posters of him in your room. You must be like his stalker or something."

"SHU-UT UP, J-JOHNNY!!!" Ryan replied angrily at him. "HE W-WAS MY ID-DO~O~O~OOOLLL!!!"

"Alright, you two. Cut it out," I said. "In a few hours, we're gonna have friends and family in here, so I don't want you both fighting."

"Okay, dad. I'll behave good, I promise," Johnny said, looking annoyed at my request. I swear, he really likes to cause trouble around everyone around him. Why did he turned out like that?

"Good. Now, as I take your brother to his room, I want you to-" was all I could say before the doorbell rang. They better not be them in the door. Not now!

"Who is it, dad?"

I poke through the window to see who it was. And my nightmare has begun as I knew who was there. "Shit! Quick, get your mother back in the house! Ryan, I need you to calm down right now and help me clean this room fast!"

Ryan eventually stopped crying and began to pick up all sorts of things that were actually out of place - beer cans, small toys, soda cans, a heap of papers, more beer cans and - I cannot believe I'm saying this - some pizza slices that were few weeks old and had a very nasty odor which it'd make you vomit in that instance. Johnny got inside with his mother and they threw the trash out somewhere in the backyard that's not visible for everyone. Once everything calmed down, we opened the door and greeted all our family members inside the house. Now I have to wait a few hours for the contest.

~ A few hours later ~

Cynthia's P.O.V.

The party is going good so far - no alcohol-based trouble has occurred and Uncle Verner has been really careful where he's putting his cup. Maybe he's doing it because I threaten him last year in a whisper that I'd cut his nuts off and insert them inside his throat if what happened two years ago happens again. Ugh, so dreadful.

Anyway, everything was going seemingly well until...

"Garr I bon," my husband spoke, clearly being drunk out of his mind. "Eeeeeeeehhhhhhhh, 'nober woon, pwuese?"

"I think you guys had enough drinks for tonight," Ryan said. "Here. Drink this down."

Carl and the rest of them take the cups and they sipped it thoroughly, not before spitting out the drink to the floor. Ew, I just cleaned it today!

"Whazzzaa dis? T'was horgghible!"

"Water. The healthiest drink that can make you guys feel sober if consumed in large quantities. Why? You thought it was going to be more beer?"

"Aaaaah, 'ive me 'nober woon now. I haffff to winnie me fa'st pace..."

"Ryan, would you kindly entertain your cousins with some of your songs? I need to take the men here to the basement," I said.

"Alright. I will, mom."

"Good. Now, c'mon Carl. I'm gonna take you somewhere now..."

Ryan's P.O.V.

"Okay, everyone! How is the evening going for you?"

"Hmm, I don't know, Ryan. It's cold, the streets are covered by snow and little Ana here is biting my tail as if it was her ball of yarn. So yeah, that's how it's going on for me," Johnny said as he was trying to get our little cousin off his tail. Eventually, it takes three of us to keep her calmed because, for some reason, she is ravenous.

"Ow! It hurts!"

"Ana, either you let go of his tail or I swear that I'm not gonna give you pizza tomorrow!" Raphael, my oldest cousin - I'm the second oldest of us seven, so to speak - spoke as he put his arms around my waist in order to pull her to us. Aaaaaaand I'm blushing very hard at this moment. Damn it!


"Shit, this is getting us nowhere. Ryan, go and get whatever candy you have while I hold her. Okay?"

"Alright. Be right back," I replied, letting go of her and flying towards the kitchen. I look around the fridge and find some chocolate bars from Halloween and I brought them to the living room. "Here you go."

"Okay, thanks. Now, Ana, here's some chocolate - let go of Johnny and I'll let you have them."

At the end, Ana stopped biting my dim-witted brother and crawled to a corner to eat the chocolate bars. I go to my room and bring down some of my favorite songs and started to sing to enlighten the atmosphere as all the adults are down the basement trying to handle down their drunken state. Next time they ask me a favor like this, it'll cost them two hundred dollars per hour.

~ Hours later ~

The party came to an end and our entire family is preparing to go to bed. Our entire family is going to spend all winter season with us this year, so we're gonna have to share rooms. Johnny will have Armando and Ricardo stay with him, Ana and Natalia will have the guest room and Raphael stays with me. Us boys came to a compromise with what our interests are, so... all's well that ends well.

"Are you set now, Raph? 'Cause the nights will be colder than in Georgia," I spoke to him as I settled down on my bed.

"Yes, Ryan, I am," he replied, poking my arm. "Now can we sleep?"

"Fine. Goodnight!"


We both get settled on one side of the bed and drift pff to sleep. I don't know why, but i felt... warm. As if I was cuddled by a big and fluffy fur, like Sean. I open my eyes and, to my surprise, Raphael had me under his embrace. I looked at him and he was still asleep, though he was muttering  someone's name as tears escaped from his eyes. I didn't want to wake him, so I scoot closer to him and go back to sleep.

'I wonder what is bothering him... I'll see if I can help him some way...'

A/N: I would like to apologize for not posting in these last months, and to commence my atonement, I'll simply work hard to catch up on all my chapters.


Ok, I guess that's all for today. See ya!!!

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