Chapter 5 - What happened to Voldemort...

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This chapter shall be Voldemort telling what happened. It was hard trying to write like a mass murder, but I gave it a try. Many answers shall be explained in this chapter on what happened on the night he came and "TRIED" to kill Harry.

Idiotic. Stupidity. Arrogance.

Swallowing my pride, I have been out matched. Stupidity, I allowed myself to take ease, no one could end my reign of glory, previously I pondered. Mistakingly I allowed myself to get to ... comfortable. The power I yielded, was desired, and I soon forgot to look over my shoulder.

My downfall.

It wasn't just a simple, yet pathetic spell cast by James Potter to save his family that wrecked my core.

No. Do you really believe I could have been defeated by that?

It was much much more to it than that. It was something old, and ancient that I didn't think about, a foolish mistake that may have cost my life... my future... my empire.

You see, when Lily first ran up to the nursery, in a haste to protect her child from me, she placed an old ancient love spell on her only son.

Unique. Unusual. Unused.

In a last attempt to shield her child, incase something were to happen to herself and her loving husband, James, who was attempting to taunt me on the stairs. The Old Love spell was cast so the boy, couldn't be touched by me, Lord Voldemort, or indeed be hurt by me. I may have been able to break it the first time, she swung the words into the open air, although, Lily Potter was someone I underestimated.

She cast that spell again.

In the last seconds that Lily Potter thought she had of life, she cast the spell again, only this time stronger than the last. Her husband at her side, her child in her arms, she felt powerful. Previously they're had been hope that herself and James could get away, although the hope dwindled away. Desperation was laced through her words; I heard them, and accepted them as her defeat.

A foolish mistake.

As I, Lord Voldemort, the man who did the impossible; the man that was not a man; the man that had a name those feared to utter even in the shadows, walked closer to the boy, not even flinching at the "threats" that James shouted, an invisible force of love had formed around Harry, enabling myself to approach him further.

As I, Lord Voldemort, was not born out of love. I, Lord Voldemort, was conceived from a love potion, created by my stupid squid of a mother to make my so called filthy Muggle father fall in love with her. A pathetic attempt indeed; it was the most powerful thing she had done, although she could not carry on. She had fallen for him. One on the last surviving descendants of Salazar Slytherin, one of the greatest wizards of our time, fell for a muggle man, who did not reciprocate her "love". She was weak. Idiotically, she stopped placing the potion on him, and within a night, he has left.

When the potion wore off, he was horrified,
to have been living in the grim resistance of my mother's house. He left, taking her heart and strength with him, leaving my mother pregnant and alone and vulnerable.

Love is not real. Love is not a true emotion or feeling. It's desire. Desire to have the one to call your own; they're like gold. Attractive, drawing the eye, only for you to leave them when you have catch the eye of another. It's a game of tag; it's a game of survival. It's a word used for a man to receive the things of a women, who she feels she can be vulnerable with, until said man grows tired. It's a word open to interpretation.

The invisible love barrier, was like acid to me, or even like pouring acid over me, which resulted in a tiny fragment of myself, leaving my body to go to someone else's. In a last attempt to save myself it latch itself until the nearest living thing. The boy- Harry.

Before I, myself for hit with the force of the Love spell, I sent the spell, to end the boys life, leaving Harry with a scar. Mere milliseconds later I was hit. James Potter cast a simple stupefy at me, causing me to fly back even further, after experiencing the force of Lily's spell.

An opportunity had arisen; James was able to escape with Lily and Harry in her arms. I could have easily deflected it, with a mere glance, if I was any big stronger, but at last, he got me when I was vulnerable, and weak. A strategic move he had not anticipated. We we're playing chess, and he had just destroyed my queen, and without a queen you don't have a game.

I would have went after them, but I was to weak, and instead faded into the shadows to rest and hatch a new plan. All is not over, I have still some unfinished business that won't wait forever...

All I must say is enjoy your time, Potters; for I am waiting in the shadows, expanding and expanding, attacking when you think your safe. I am not stupid. I shall wait, attack when they think they are no longer targets, when they no longer flinch at my name. When they can stop looking over their shoulders, fingers curled around their wands in defence.

They boy, Harry, can keep his scar. His scar will be a sign of victory. A sign of hope. A sign that my reign in over. Do not be fooled; nothing from the shadows, stays in the shadows. I will rise again, and my followers will join me; I cannot truly be killed.

The scar will be a burden to my followers; I apologise, it's a spit in the face, for all the good we've done. Unraveling of our plans I so carefully constructed. Although sometimes you have to sacrifice a few pieces on the board to see the opposing's plan.

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