Chapter 22 - The Tennis Match

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"Go Daddy!"

Clap. Clap. Clap.

"Go Moony!"

Clap. Clap. Clap.

"Go Mammy!"

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Confused, the two boys turned to look at the little boy who stood on his chair screaming. Occasionally, pushing his wild mane of charcoal, jet black hair from his wide amazed green eyes. "Mammy? Why are you cheering for Mammy? She's not even here!"

Harry pondered. "Mammy said a good little boy always praises his mammy. Even when she isn't there. Also, I accidentally ate the biscuits mammy made for Aunty Mar-Mar and Fluffy."

Remus shook his head unable to suppress a gleeful grin and returned his attention to the game, noticing they had left the game unattended, and the ball had lost its momentum, while James stood would his hands on his hips.

"Harry. She blamed me for that!"

"C'mom Prongs. We need to practice. The last time we played Tennis we were what... fifteen, sixteen? We haven't so much as played a proper round in years," he laughed. "We've been so busy chasing that one over there."

They continued their game - getting unnecessarily heated and taunting the vulnerable wall. After an hour or so, they joined the two scarily identical brothers, whose shorts were an alarming length. Innocent Harry was ordered to remove his glasses, "For his own safety." 

This has to be thee most tedious game of tennis in all of its history.

As it turns out James had found a sport he was not good at much to his dismay and Remus' glee.

"This. This is SO ... unfair. I was ... fucking ... great at this when I ... was sixteen. Life is so not...  fucking fair ... anymore." James was unable to form a sentence as the tennis' ball was repeatedly being fired at his face.

"So we remember the plan if mammy asks?"

James turned around to look at his son who was once more playing with the seatbelt. Harry shook his head in agreement. "Daddy did not mutter any counter spells so the tennis ball would go flying into my beloved Uncles face."

"Exactly," James ruffled his sons hair. "If you get away with it, I'll let you off the hook for the biscuits."


The boys were welcomed to the smell of lemon cake occupying the downstairs hallways, urging them towards the kitchen.

This was home.

James and Harry were met with the sight of a gorgeous Lily who had flour smeared all across her face and hair, and a giddy Daisy in a high chair throwing flour in her mother's hair. "You should have seen her James, I think by next winter we'll have her throwing snowballs like crazy. Ohhh. But don't tell Sirius, I don't want another one of my babies to be put through training!"

An easy laugh rolled from her lips, causing a smile to form on James' lips; an occurrence that he now does not even acknowledge. It's now a natural response: like how lungs respond to air.

"Look at my little girl. Her ginger hair is staring to really show. She takes after her mammy doesn't she?"

"Yeah. But for her sake I hope she doesn't have my sports skills, otherwise Sirius will kill her."


"Yes, dear?"

"Don't even joke about that. Ever!"


James and Lily sat engulfed in each other's embrace sitting on the sofa in front of the blank tv. Since Harry and Daisy were put to bed, there had been an air of silence circling the house. The first time in many hours.

"How was the match, James'?" Lily began, breaking the silence. "I heard it was... eventful."

James suppressed a laugh and began to scratch his chin. "Well, it was something alright. Incredibly eventful to say the least Lily pops. It all started when Remus and I convinced the entire club we were a gay couple and Harry was an adopted child of ours."

"What!" Lily spluttered out. "No one in the world would ever fucking believe that. Remus is way out of your league."

"Firstly, my love we discussed this way back in 6th year: I'm out of Remus league not the other way about and secondly we convinced the entire club it was true. I deserve an Oscar, and well, I guess Remus can get like a supporting role or something. Anyway, back on topic. After we went out to the court we faced those two muppets. We sat Harry on the court benches and began to wipe the courts floor with those muppets asses..."


Just because the final page of a certain chapter is turned, doesn't mean the story is over; this story is not entirely over. In the end, it's best to have a little bit of mystery regarding something; the past is easier. It's been done. It can't be changed.

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