Chapter 9 ~Planning

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"No, no, no! This is all going wrong."

Narrowly missing the series of objects thrown in the air by the bride, Dorcas ran over to Marlene to comfort her. Her emotions were skyrocketing, due to her sleep deprivation. "What's wrong Marlene, tell us?" Desperation laced throughout her voice; no bridesmaid could have bruises on them due to the bride.

"How is Lily going to fit into a bridesmaid dress? This is ludicrous!" She fell into a nearby chair and huffed like a toddler when they're prevented from exploration.

'Thank god she has no bases near her,' Mary thought, remembering her fifth year party. The boys had interrupted, and began to annoy them so she through the closest object to her - much to the boy's dismay.

A dry laugh escaped her lips. "Marlene calm down, I'm not even showing yet, and the weddings only a month away. I doubt I'll be over flowing in the dress with a big bump," shouted an infuriated Lily. She turned to face Alice, she was on a roll, and no one could stop her. "And Alice, we can't have Sirius family sitting beside Dorcas', I don't want a blood bath!" She too had a whirlwind of emotions, and the pressure and company of others vast voids of emotions was not entertaining her.

All went silent when the girls realised what Lily had said, "Your right. What are we going to do. What if a fight breaks out. What if they don't show. Although I'm a pureblood, they call my family blood-traitors, and don't we have half-bloods and everything. Oh no, this wedding is a reck before it's even began," wailed a sobbing Marlene.

Marlene stumbled to the stairs and collapsed in sorrow. What was she going to do? Her tears echoed around the house; an agonising song, which was most painful for Sirius. He raced down the stairs to comfort her, at last was powerless to stop her flow of tears, James following suite, ran to Lily, after jumping over Sirius and Marlene and knocking over a vase.

"Everything's so wrong. All I've ever dreamed off was the perfect wedding. Like Lily's and James'. Or Franks and Alice. Why do I have such rotten luck," questioned a miserable Marlene, who hadn't even seen the broken vase, which Lily was making a scowling James gather the shards without magic.

"As long as we have each other, I don't care what happens," Sirius began, after spotting James hand oozing blood; Silently cursing. His eyes went wide in confusion. What really happened to one another when they did not pay attention to the other for mere seconds?" "I don't care if we get married in a field. But if it makes you feel any better, we don't have to invite some of my relatives. I think only the family I talk to should come."

"But what if they show up anyway?"

"Then we'll send them an invitation, but if I know my family they won't come. We'll be lucky if we get a present out of it."

"Oh Sirius, what did I ever do to deserve you?"

"You won a lottery my love. A lottery many people have entered into win, but none of them were able to win my heart like you did all those years ago in first year."

Groans and rolls of eyes were displayed around the room. Sirius and his cheesy pickup lines where one thing to hear about, yet another to actually physically hear.

A small smile stitched itself upon Marlene's face. And with that Sirius and Marlene hugged and fell asleep in one another's arms, because that's what you do at night. You start organising a wedding at two am (in all fairness, James may be the person to blame in this particular scenario).


When the sun had risen and the air was crisp, light clouds hung over the apartment, that the adults were staying in - momentarily. James - oh poor James barley scrapped two hours of sleep due to his... injury, during the night. In addition to the incident, Harry had to sleep with his parents; stretched out in the borrowed bed during the night, sleeping peacefully he pushed his father from the bed, upon learning (the hard way) that his mother was unmovable. Today was the day - it was wedding dress shopping and Marlene could barley contain her joy.

"Marlene, stop it! If you smile anymore I think your cheekbones will burst," warned a concerned Mary, attempting to find her purse. She was sure she placed it on the table, although now... now she was just simply mystified.

"Oh leave her at it Mary," started Lily, who was attempting to find Harry. "Marriage is a special event that you never forget, and if you find the right one, nothing can bring you down. I'll never forget seeing James while I was walking down tha-"

"Yeah. We get it Lils. Who've told us this story a thousand times already. Give it up."

"What? Just because you haven't found the one yet."

"Girl stop it please. Lily stick your tongue back in your mouth. And Mary stop frowning. I don't want my bridesmaids having wrinkles. "

Harry looked at Lily, questionably, who looked at Mary and Dorcas, before all three girls erupted in laughter and the bridezilla that stood before them. Harry, bless his heart, was still dumbfounded at the girls actions so he did the only thing he could - cry. Cry for his bed and his father, signalling to his mother where he was. Walking to the couch. When his mother found him, he was halfway up and was ready to fall back asleep, his hand clutching Mary's purse.

Just before they left half an hour later, Lily placed her sleepy son - due to his adventures that morning, in bed with her husband before kissing his cheek and running out of the door to her best friends waiting impatiently.

The two Potter men were sprawled our like starfish, only Harry had somehow lifted himself onto his fathers chest, snoring their heads off.

And with that the three girls roamed around London going from shop to shop to find the most elegant, astounding, jaw-dropping dress they could ever conjure up in their heads.

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