Cameron Dallas - cute

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My family is horrible. They're abusive and I can't change that. They scream and yell at me all the time even if it isn't my fault. I was getting ready to go to my friend Stephs house. I tried to pick a nice outfit but i'm so insecure about my body that it doesn't matter what I wear. I decided what I wearing was fine but I threw of an oversized flannel to hide the bruises on my shoulders. I took my keys and got into my car and drove to Stephs house. When I arrived there were other cars and I recognized the car I parked behind, Camerons'.  I made my way inside to see everyone on the couch. "Hey Holly." Steph said coming from the kitchen and giving me a slight hug. I winced a little and she noticed. She's the only one who knows. We sat down on the couch and watched a movie. I peeked over to Cam once in a while and saw that he'd look over. I got up to go to the bath room and left my phone on the couch. When I came back I saw that I have 5 missed phone calls and 20 text messages from my father asking why I wasn't home and telling me to go home. I started to panic a little and Cam looked over with concern. "Hey, what's wrong?" he whispered. "I-I have to leave." I said panicking and getting up and going to my car. But what I didn't know was that Cam had seen my messages and was following me home. I pulled into the driveway quickly and ran inside. "Hey Dad, sorry I left my phone on the couch when I went to the bathroom at St-" but I didn't get to finish because he slapped me so hard I fell to the floor. My eyes began to tear up but he just continued yelling and hitting me. He grabbed my collar well into his drunk state and was going to hit me again when someone yelled, "HEY STOP!" from the doorway. It was Cameron! "WHO THE HELL ARE YO-" my father said dropping me and going over to Cameron. Cam swung a hard right hook and knocked my father out onto the floor. I was in hysterics. Cameron came over and picked me up and put me into his car. He drove quickly to his house and brought me inside into his bathroom. He was panicking, I could just see it. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said and i could see tears in his eyes as he dabbed the cut in my lip. "I-I don't tell anyone but Steph. Thank you." I said looking away. "I wish I knew so he couldn't hit you anymore but you're welcome." Cam said finishing up. He stepped back and looked at me. My insecurities were kicking in again so I looked away from him. "Don't look away from me love." He said tilting my chin to him. "I love to look at you." "B-but i'm ugly." I said back. "You are not. I love everything about you. You're perfect." He said leaning his head against mine while standing in between my legs (not inappropriate). I was blushing madly and so was he. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. It started to get heated and I pulled away. "I love you Holly." Cam said kissing me again. "I love you too Cam." I said back enjoying the moment. "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course." I said leaning up again and kissing him.
My friend steph wrote this for me because I'm oftenly abused by my siblings. But anyways if u want to follow her... her name is Niallgirl228
Go follow her and check out her story's

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