Niall Horan's Secret Twin

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Anna's POV:

So everyone knows Niall Horan right? Superstar member of One Direction? Loads of talent and super good looks?

Well, I'm what you could call... his other half. My name is Annabelle but every one calls me Anna.

Niall and I are almost... Identical which is pretty good because I've got the looks too, but none of the talent.

Ever since Niall auditioned for the X-factor, it's like his twin sister who he shared almost everything with doesn't exist anymore. I've been kicked to the curb.

Everyone says that Niall is the funny, calm, laid-back one but not when he's with me. I am still close with my oldest brother Greg but because of the media I couldn't even go the his wedding I was that scared of what my brother has done to this family

I'm what I call "in hiding" from the fame. I don't want to change as much as Niall did. we haven't had a decent conversation that hasn't broken out into a fight since he left for the X-factor the first time.

I like their music, just not them. they are just snobby and even though they are my brothers closest friends, I don't intend on ever meeting them.

You could say that I miss him. We used to be so close I just want my big brother back. That protective figure.


I woke up early this morning I really don't know why but my flat mate was still asleep. Jeremy and I are just friends and have been since we were 6. Now we live in a flat in London because we both wanted to get out of Millungar. He is one of the few people who know about Niall and I.

I walked into his room with my pillow ready for attack.

"Jeremy?" I whispered in his ear.

"What" he mumbled as he rolled over opening his emerald green eyes ever so slightly.

"JEREMY WAKE UP!!!" i smashed my pillow into his face giggling. he smiled as he turned to face me.

"What for nugget" he was now fully awake. He calls me nugget as a nickname.

"I don't know fries? I'm bored" I call him fries as a nickname in return.

"Ok let me get this straight, you woke my up at" he checked the clock on his bedside table "4:45 because you're bored?"

I nodded proudly.

"You shouldn't do that." he slapped me with his own pillow and we started a war where I ended up on one side if the room and he was on the other. throwing pillows at each other. we are so childish.

His phone rang and as he went to pick it up I threw a pillow right at his head. and ran out of the room and back to my own having a laughing fit.

Once I calmed down I got into the shower and washed my naturally brown hair. that is really the only difference between Niall and I, his hair is dyed blonde but mins is still brown. our faces look the same though.

I washed my hair and dried it. I was going to straighten it but for some reason I wanted it naturally wavy today. I stayed I my pyjamas though.

I walked out of my room to a face full of yet another pillow.

"Seriously fries?" I giggled.

"Sorry Anna! I had to finish!" He smirked as a shook my head and walked away.

In the kitchen, I grabbed a bowl, milk and some fruit loops. it's like Jeremy and I haven't grown up.

"Ooh can I have some fruit loops too nugget?" he said cheerily.

"Boys who throw pillows make their own cereal." I smirked as I walked over to the couch and slumped down on it. I turned on the morning news.

Jeremy came over with his own cereal poking his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes.

"One Direction have won 2 Brit awards this year-" the news presenter said but I interrupted.

"Urgh booooring!" I changed the channel.

"Hey! Niall mightn't be you friend but he is mine. Please go back!" He wined. So I went back but paid no attention to the screen. "What happened between you two anyway? you've never told me." He had a mouth full of cereal.

"Well he basically deleted me from his life!" I yelled "we video chatted everyday for about a week but then he just stopped. and then he deleted my contact from his phone and blocked my number. He blocked his Twin sister from calling him. he's just become a self centred dick ever since that stupid band started. it's ruined my life!" a tear slid down my cheek.

"Hey, hey don't cry, I'm sure he'll come to his senses you just need to talk to him!" Jeremy smiled.

"He won't listen to me. 'Something will come up'! that's his excuse every time, Jer! every time!" I cried. I rested my head in his shoulder. as he stroked my hair.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I stood up to get it.

I looked through the peep hole which was more like a mirror after seeing the person at the door.

A/N: hiya guys! what do you think? is it good? it is definitely going to be better than the other Niall fanfic I was writing. sorry it was so crap. but thanks for reading my new one! Ily so much! new chapter real soon!

Xx Emily

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