Chapter 1

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The hooded woman grabbed the mug of ale and stepped backwards, careful to keep her face hidden as to not display her face or gender. Turning around she pushed through the crowd of rowdy men, smelling of ale and pipe weed, making her way to the dark corner with her companion.
Sinking into her seat with her back to the crowd, lowering herself into the seat in the least feminine way she could muster. Raising her mug towards her companion she quietly offered him some.
"I'm quite alright, thank you." Her companion answered around his pipe, from under the hood, shadowing his face from prying eyes. All the crowd knew was that he was a ranger and that his companion must be one as well. "The men in here watch you warily, they fear your anonymity. Trust me this will not end well for you if you remain."
The woman looked up at her companion gesturing with her hands.
"Yes, I mean for you to go on without me. You'll be safe, don't worry." The woman gestured again, but more agitatedly this time.
"I'll be fine. I will send word to you when I can, but for now our ways must part." The woman relaxed before once again motioning with her hands, before glancing at the four hobbits sat at a table together.
"I will gladly keep Evrog with me, I shall send the word with him when I do." The woman nodded, downing the rest of the ale before rising to her feet. Waving in goodbye, she departed, swerving through the crowd before hearing a voice in her head.
Until we meet again, my daughter. 

She turned her head slowly looking from under her hood. Until later, father. 

Her gift of reading the minds of others was one she rarely used deciding that it was too risky of other people finding out. And it was only with the rare people that she knew and trusted that she spoke. Making her way past the hobbit she accidentally knocked into him. At the contact they both looked at each other. Shocked they stared at each other before she turned away and burst through the door into the cold night. Her ears twitched as she heard them in the distance, the black riders. She shivered before steeling her nerves and making her way to her horse and rising upon it. Digging her heels in, her horse started trotting forwards. Looking up she saw her messenger hawk. Making eye contact, the women told the hawk to remain with her companion. Reaching the gate she waited for the keeper to open it, before galloping away at high speed towards the one place she knew she could stay for a while, safely, in Rivendell.


Still within the prancing pony, the ranger remained seated as he watched the young dark haired hobbit grab at his friend by the bar, before falling back and disappearing. He knew what he would do and what was to come, finally understanding his premonition. He was glad that he sent his daughter away as this was not something she would have need to see.


The woman paused upon a ridge and looked back at the town she had just left, hearing the screeches of the black riders. Her horse jittered underneath her - she had paused for too long. Kicking the sides of her horse, she sped off and crossed the hills at a fast tempo, her horse, a ball of energy that could go for miles.
She rode for hours, only pausing at a river, when first light appeared to rest her horse and gather more water. Looking up she saw the sun peeking above the trees and decided to quickly continue. Better hurry, I want to cover as much ground as possible before nightfall. Checking on her horse she felt relieved that it wasn't too tired. Pulling herself up on her horse she set off keeping the fast pace of the morning, trying to reach her destination as quickly as possible. Stopping in the very depths of darkness under an overhanging of a cliff, to sleep before carrying on at first light. 

She reached Rivendell quickly, clattering in to the courtyard on her exhausted animal and leapt off landing silently.
"I see you have not lost you flare for unexpected arrivals." The woman turned and looked to the voice seeing her old friend, Lord Elrond. Bowing her head she remained silent awaiting his following words. "My Lady Linwaethiel, it is good to see you again."
Linwaethiel nodded her head and remained silent, before gesturing her hands.
"Arwen is in one of the gardens." Elrond answered smiling gently already used to the silent ways of the woman. Ever since Aragorn found her as a young child, the Elleth had only said one word since the death of her parents and that was to call for Aragorn when she had a night terror. At that point they had quickly realised that she could speak, and simply chose not to speak out loud. Linwaethiel had an uncanny ability to read minds and to answer within her mind, but this ability was dangerous and if she was to fall into the hands of the enemy it could be catastrophic. Therefore she rarely used it, relying on hand gestures created by her and her father. Which was slowly learnt by her close friends and acquaintances.
Walking quickly Linwaethiel found Arwen and smiled as the other Elleth called her name. They had been friends for a long time and hadn't seen each other for years. It was time to have one of their own conversations that few could understand.


A while later the two elleths wandered through Rivendell one pristine and ladylike, her clothes clean and neat. The other masculine, messy and her clothes falling in tattered ruin from years of wear. But both wore the same expression of joy as they conversed back and forth with their hands.
Lord Elrond came from around a corner stopping in front of them to smile at the picture, two complete opposites that mixed so well together.
"Good to see you've settled in quickly Linwaethiel. Your room is already prepared if you wish to freshen up." Lindwaethiel bowed her head before making quick gestures and disappearing. "She has not changed since last we saw her, has she, Arwen."
"Not on the outside, but on the inside, she's becoming very knowledgeable about everything. Soon enough she will be able to pretend she's a lady as if she really were one. " Arwen laughed and looked at her father glad that he seemed happy to see her, yet something seemed to weigh on his mind.
"Something weighs heavily upon your thoughts, doesn't it father?" Her father glanced at her before he faced forwards his eyebrows knitting together.
"Her father draws near, but he brings danger with him. He is not too far behind Linwaethiel, I must send someone to meet them, for this danger may already have claimed one of the them."
Arwen looked at Elrond, worry clouding her expression. "I will go and meet them. Linwaethiel has already spoken to me of what dangers they face, therefore I am the most prepared." Elrond did not like the idea but understood he had to let her do this, therefore he nodded giving her permission and she ran off to change and prepare a horse.

Author's note (Post Editing) 

First chapter edited. Hopefully it clears up matters on the spelling of Linwaethiel's name. If you find any other errors, please do comment, but do it politely. Thank you. 

And welcome to new readers, you're always welcome. 

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