Chapter 6

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Tearing through the halls we run until we reach the giant hall running on seemingly forever. An orc army runs from behind us and more climb from cracks in the ground and drop down from the ceiling, climbing down pillars. I shiver as we all draw our weapons and stand in a circle. The orcs leer at us and taunt us of our impending death. Gimli yells in their face but stop as a fiery light appears at the end of the hall. I pause and look towards Gandalf. His face is a mixture of fear and panic. A low rumble echoes through the hall and the orcs pause before scattering and disappearing from where they come from. From beside me Boromir mutters out asking Gandalf what new devilry this is and I can't help but agree.
After a pause Gandalf answers. "A Balrog — a demon of the ancient world."
The thing growls, still hidden around a corner of the vast hall, throwing fiery light on the pillars. Glancing over I see Legolas's eyes show fear. If he shows fear this beast must be dangerous.
"This foe is beyond any of you... Run!" And run we did. I sprinted at the front of the group carefully avoiding rocks so as not to trip over. During the run the cut on my side reopens and begins to bleed again. We shoot through the doorway at the end of the hall and rush down steps. Boromir and I are at the front of the pack of and are the first to realise that the stairs stop abruptly. I gasp quietly as I try to balance on the very edge of chasm. Feeling my foot slip I release a silent scream before I feel an arm snake around my waist. Pulling me back I see blonde hair fall over my shoulder and realised Legolas had saved me, again. We continued down a massive staircase. I stay at the front of the group as we encounter yet another gap, without pausing I jump across the gap and turn around and see the others pause. Looking at Legolas I watch him jump across the gap. He turned around and waited for the others to brave the gap. Gandalf jumps across the gap and is steadied by Legolas. Feeling something whip past my face I turn to see arrows being fired at us. I growl and fire arrows back. I hit two orcs with one arrow. After firing off more only Gimli, Aragorn and Frodo remain on the other side. Aragorn reaches to toss Gimli across and the dwarf holds up his hands.
"Nobody tosses a dwarf." He says before he jumps across the gap. He doesn't quite get across the gap and starts falling back. Legolas grabs his beard and begins to pull him towards us away from the gap. "Not the beard!"
Rocks crumble from the other side and I cry out quietly as Frodo and Aragorn have to scramble back up the stairs so as not to fall. The Balrog can be heard approaching from the other hall. Stone structures around the mine collapse as it draws near, a huge rock falls from the ceiling and smashes through the steps behind Aragorn and Frodo, creating another gap behind them. The stairs begin to wobble I nervously step forwards holding my breath as I see my father talk loudly to Frodo over the sound of crumbling rocks.
"Hang on! Lean forward!"
"Come on!" Legolas encourages. They shift their weight forward, tipping the stairs across the divide and slamming them onto the steps where we stand the fall forwards and I quickly steady my father, putting a hand on his cheek and checking for wounds I smiles softly before he begins dragging me across a vast space to the bridge. We run across the bridge but stop on the other side when we realise Gandalf is not following us.
He turns, looking into the wall of fire. A great form of black shadow leaps through the flames, its eyes of white fire, great ash-black horns curling around a bull-like head. It opens its maw, rippling heat pouring out with a rumble. Gandalf turns, running after us in an attempt to join us. A great, black, cloven foot stomps down into the hall, bursting into flame. Gandalf turns to face the Balrog.
"You cannot pass!"
"Gandalf!" Frodo cries.
"I am the servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor..." Gandalf continues, "The dark fire will not avail you! Flame of Udûn!"
The Balrog strikes down on Gandalf, who parries the blow with his blade, shattering the Balrog's sword. Glowing embers run off the circle of light around the wizard. The monster bellows at the Gandalf and Frodo gasps. Aragorn attempts to run forward.
Gandalf clenches his teeth. "Go back to the Shadow!"
The Balrog steps onto the bridge and brandishes a flaming whip. Gandalf raises his sword and staff together into the air in answer to him.
"You — shall not — pass!" Gandalf shouts before he drives his staff into the bridge, causing a bright flash of blue light to appear. Flaring its nostrils, the Balrog steps forward onto the bridge. The bridge collapses from under it as it moves towards Gandalf, and breaks before the wizard's staff. The demon plunges backward into the chasm, still wielding its glowing whip. Gandalf, exhausted, leans on his staff and watches the Balrog fall. He turns to follow the others. But as he turns the flaming whip lashes up from the depths of the abyss and winds about Gandalf's ankle, dragging him over the edge. He clings onto the bridge but strains to keep his grip. Frodo rushes forward but Boromir restrains him.
"Gandalf!" Frodo cries again.
The wizard grasps the bridge, looking into Frodo's eyes. He stops struggling.
"Fly, you fools!" And then releases the bridge and falls backwards into the chasm. I stay silent, in shock, until an arrow pierces the wall beside my head. Looking across the gap I see orcs firing arrows at us and I wave for the others to start running. Looking at my father I quickly rush forwards yanking him back, an arrow narrowly missing him and we follow the rest of the fellowship into the open.
Reaching the wide open space I collapse to my knees finally briefing freely again. It's not until then that the fact that we lost Gandalf hits me. Tears pour down my face as memories from my childhood play through my mind. The time he showed me his fireworks. The time i got to wear his hat just because I asked. And then the time he taught me how to hone my skills of speaking through a mind link. That for me was he best as I could finally freely converse with my father in the middle of a battle. I continued crying until I heard a voice.
"Legolas, get them up." It's my father and I watch as he looks towards the others.
"Give them a moment, for pity's sake!" Boromir snaps angrily.
Aragorn remains calm and looks over the open rocks, as he reasons. "By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up."
I wipe away my tears and stand up, understanding his reasons.


An hour or two later we are jogging across a field of luscious grass before entering the forest beyond it.
Once inside I can hear Gimli talking to the hobbits. "Stay close, young Hobbits! They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods, an Elf-witch, of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell..."
He pauses dramatically before continuing. "...and are never seen again."
I laugh silently at his false belief and glance over at Aragorn who has a face of mild amusement.
"Well, here is one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!" Gimli declares proudly and jumps when an arrow, notched, appears before his face.
"Oh..." comes his exclamation upon seeing it, nearly taking out an eye. Other bows at the ready appear around us and my hand inches towards my dagger on my thigh.
A tall, golden-haired Elf appears. And I relax slightly but keep my hand by the dagger not trusting the other elves not to do something stupid.
"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." The elf known as Haldir says, smirking down at Gimli. The dwarf only gives him an answering growl choosing not to speak to the elf. Noticing me, he gives me a brief nod before leading us further into the forest. Upon reaching a platform we are led up to it where Haldir then proceeds to greet us.
"Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion." (Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil.) He greets the prince of Mirkwood first.
"Govannas vîn gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien." (Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lórien.) Legolas answers. Haldir glances at Aragorn.
"A, Aragorn in Dúnedain istannen le ammen." (Oh, Aragorn of the Dúnedain, you are known to us.)
"Haldir." My father answers bowing his head slightly.
"So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves! Speak words we can also understand!" Gimli cries out indignantly.
"We have not had dealings with the Dwarves since the Dark Days." Haldir answers back, obviously irked by the dwarfs presence.
"And you know what this Dwarf says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!" (I spit upon your grave!) I cringe and watch as my father grabs him.
"That was not so courteous." We are both quite well versed in the dwarfish language and therefore understood the insult that Gimli threw at the elf. I see Haldir glance at Frodo.
"You bring great evil with you." He pauses and turns to Father. "You can go no further."
He walks away. Sam and Pippin turn to look at Frodo. He looks slightly uncomfortable. I see Aragorn follow and being to argue with Haldir, angrily. Turning slightly I can just about hear my father.
"Boe ammen veriad lîn. Andelu i ven!" (We need your protection. The road is fell!)
Haldir whispers back inaudibly. I frown, irritated I can't hear the elf.
"Merin le telim." (I wish we may come with you.) My father continues. Haldir answers quietly, again so that only Aragorn can hear his words. I huff in frustration and finally notice the wary eyes I am getting from the soldiers. I shift and inch my hand closer to my dagger visibly sitting on my thigh. They tighten their grip on their weapons and keeps staring at me. The tension remains until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn to find my father standing behind me and I quickly relax. I can see Haldir over his shoulder and he does not look happy.
"You will follow me." I quietly snigger and release the grip on my dagger p, quietly trailing after my father as he follows Haldir.
We walk for a while and then begin to climb stairs and I can hear Haldir murmuring but I can't concentrate as I look at the beauty around us. I had missed Lorien. I had been here once before. Found injured along the border by Haldir and brought here to recuperate before joining Aragorn again. As we climb yet another staircase we reach an archway and Haldir steps aside revealing a couple standing hand in hand. I bow my head in greeting as the pair focus on us.
"The Enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone." The Lord, Celeborn says. "Nine there are here, yet ten there were, set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf?"
As he speaks, Galadriel's eyes flicker to Aragorn's, who looks up. I can feel the regret and sorrow coming off him in waves and I step forwards touching his arm with my hand.
"For I much desire to speak with him... I can no longer see him from afar." Celeborn continues, oblivious to Aragorn's pain.
"Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into shadow." Galadriel speaks for the first time. Aragorn nods slightly and Celeborn turns to Galadriel.
"He was taken by both Shadow and Flame: a Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." Legolas says when no one else speaks. Gimli bows his head, sadly.
"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his whole purpose." Galadriel comforts. "Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûm fill your heart, Gimli, son of Glóin."
The Dwarf looks up as her words. And I watch as she continues to speak.
"For the world has grown full of peril. And in all lands, love is now mingled with grief."

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