Chapter 1 - First day of school.

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"Everything is just going to back to normal when we get to school" I said with heartbreak in my voice.

"It wont, i promise i could never do that to you again" He said with that warm smile I've always loved

Looking into his deep indigo eyes,Leaning in he kissed my lips so softly

"I love you" He says when our lips break apart.

"I love you too, i just don't want..." i was interrupted by the touch of his delicate rose lips

He was someone i never thought i could never be. Someone who use to make my life hell all through school and now spending one summer with him makes me realize. I judged him, made myself believe he could never change but hey! i guess they can. Can i trust him though? Will he become the villainous boy i grew up with.


This was it back to school, it was final year at high but i couldn't bare to face it, grabbing my freshly ironed uniform out the wardrobe. Pulling my tights on, and placing my skirt over. Pulling my blouse over my arms, buttoning it up from bottom to top making sure a didn't miss one, tucking it into skirt to give myself that presentable look. Before putting my blazer on i look at my self in the mirror "I hope hes not changed" i think to my self. Word wouldn't be able to explain how much I'm going to be glad to get of this uniform. "You ready love?" Mum shouts up the stairs "Wouldn't want to be late now, would we?" She adds to that. I quickly grabbed my tie my tie and bag, shuffling down the stairs i put my tie on while trying to make sure that there is everything i need for today. Books, from last year. Pencil case etc. We leave the house and get in the car.

The car ride was quite and slightly awkward however, i didn't know why. I couldn't help but begin to visualize what i was going back to as. Am i going back to a soon to be boyfriend after our summer romance? Or the vicious bully i once new? Putting my headphones i drown out any noise out the world, its sort of easy when you have a mother like mine. She doesn't bother anymore. Pulling up to crowed car park, friends being reunited after the longing 6 weeks. I jump out the car snatching the 5 pound note out of my mums hand and shout bye and run down the path. Walking through the main entrance hes there, has he seen me? No, he walks straight past me. A few minutes later feel a buzz in my pocket, i pull it out. A text. Its Alex "Hey Babe, don't want people to know about us yet, is that OK?xx" I ignore the text and place my phone in my pocket.I thought to myself."How wrong was i about him,he fucked me off cause we was back at school" The sound of the bell made me jump, i picked my bag off the floor and rushed off to my form room. Sat my table my best friend runs in, "AMMMMYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" That all you hear, I've hardly seen her this summer. I'm greeted with a tight hug and a beaming smile "Oh Ruby how I've missed you" I say pulling her back into the hug.

"Has he text you?" she says raising her eyebrow, Ruby is the only one who knows about Alex and me,i can trust her with my LIFE

"Erm, sort of yeah...Well no... Not really" I say as my voice starts to croak. Ruby shoots the most horrid look at me.

"Am gunna bloody killing him"

"No,its fine. He text this morning saying he doesn't wanna tell anyone yet"

"You've got to..." Ruby was cut off Mr Rowland's shouting at us to be quiet and get ready for the register.Name by name,

"Ruby Dodds..."

"Yes sir"

"Amy Dickinson... Amy...."

Ruby nudged my arm "Oh erm here sir" I said coming out of my day dream "I would be nice if you paying attention Miss Dickinson. This year is important."

He carried on. It was the next part that took me by surprise. He began to speak. "Well, i hope you all had a good holiday, however, this is your final year,i cant strain how important this year is to you. We need nominees for prom com...." He was cut off by a loud banging on the class room door "What is it" He yelled. A tall boy, about 5'11, slightly tanned skin, the most perfectly styled hair and beautiful deep indigo eyes, a ruffed up bad boy uniform look. Standing there he looked so handsome.

"Yes Mr Blake?" He look surprised.

"Erm, Sir I've been moved to this class" He said awkwardly, as everyone watched him like a hawk. Keeping their eyes on him as he stands there with nerves.

"Oh yes, Erm go sit next to Amy over there" He said looking at his computer pointing towards me. He broke a smile as he walked towards me but it went as soon as it came. Sitting down next to me i made a quick turn of head to Ruby.

Ive fallen in love.... With my bully!Where stories live. Discover now